Anonymous3: @Anonymous: Which is ironic because in Javi's previous drawing of the three together, it shows Sasha completely fine with having sex while Anne & Marcy were nervous. But now that they got impregnated, Sasha regrets it while Anne & Marcy don't mind at all.
Anonymous6(3): @Anonymous: Yep. A lot of people think having a baby is fun, but they NEVER think about the fact that they are raising a human - a being that needs food, clothing, education, and such for two whole decades. And if people think the raising is done once the kid turns 18, they are terribly wrong. That child could become the most emotional unstable person you could ever imagine...
Also, I'm the one who got Marcy pregnant, thank you very much.
That's what they always say, Anne. But reality always comes back to bite them HARD...
But hey, good thing I'm anti-natalist! 👍
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