traffik: "FanArt" and "anime" are not tags. You put an underscore between words within the same tag, as follows: "Yoko_Ritona". You tag both the character and the series. You put a space in between separate tags, like this: "Tengen_Toppa_Gurren_Lagann Yoko_Ritona".
eokyls: @korblborp: follow rules is okay, not properly follow was a mistake, to err is human, but was necessary to label me as noob and yell that??.
@traffik: ok, "fuck".
I do not need this anyway, the mess for one time mistake, upload mi pics not worth it, better not to share, so first and last time I upload here, and that way I prevent future messes and sorry for not correctly following rules the first time.
Killamajig: From the front page:
New to Paheal?
First time uploading? Please read the rules and FAQ first! Please read about our use of underscores and "tagme".
It's no-one else's fault you can't read, no matter how butthurt you get about it.
traffik: Regardless of whether you read the message or not, it's common sense to learn a little bit about a site's rules before you start posting.
As for me 'yelling' at you: When someone just starts posting with no idea what they're doing and they inevitably fuck things up, I have little interest in being delicate with them about it, because 1) it could've easily been avoided by them doing what they should've done in the first place, and 2) you wouldn't believe how often this shit happens. It gets hella frustrating.
Anonymous2: @epkyls: ARRRRRRGH! It's newfags like you that give the site a bad name! Refusing to follow the rules and, as a result, uploading duplicates, non-34s, non-porn images, DNP images, and other shit!
On top of that, you fuckers fail to tag properly by adding commas to separate tags instead of spaces and spaces to separate words within a single tag instead of underscores!
If I see another fucking newfag one more time, I'm gonna be really angry! YOU BETTER FOLLOW THE RULES OR ELSE!
Killamajig: Yes, but most of us were noobs smart enough to read the fucking FAQ, tagging guide, and site rules first. Willful ignorance is the opposite of a defense.
DTJ: eokyls: Anytime and yeah this isn't the friendliest site, but it's best rule 34 site you'll find out there. Also if you're the artist of this fantastic piece then you might want to add your name to the tag so we can look up all of your works in the future under your name as well.
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@traffik: ok, "fuck".
I do not need this anyway, the mess for one time mistake, upload mi pics not worth it, better not to share, so first and last time I upload here, and that way I prevent future messes and sorry for not correctly following rules the first time.
New to Paheal?
First time uploading? Please read the rules and FAQ first! Please read about our use of underscores and "tagme".
It's no-one else's fault you can't read, no matter how butthurt you get about it.
As for me 'yelling' at you: When someone just starts posting with no idea what they're doing and they inevitably fuck things up, I have little interest in being delicate with them about it, because 1) it could've easily been avoided by them doing what they should've done in the first place, and 2) you wouldn't believe how often this shit happens. It gets hella frustrating.
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Grow some balls and learn to not to take them so seriously.
Just make sure you follow the rules and ignore the comments and you're all set in paheal.
On top of that, you fuckers fail to tag properly by adding commas to separate tags instead of spaces and spaces to separate words within a single tag instead of underscores!
If I see another fucking newfag one more time, I'm gonna be really angry! YOU BETTER FOLLOW THE RULES OR ELSE!
@trafik: ok, ok I undestand, must be frustrating. sorry for stressing you then.
I did not that intentionaly. I was just looking upload nothing else.
Anyway strange welcome to a newcomer.
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Thanks to Anonymous3 too for understanding my mistake.
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