Mudkip: no, but when one of my cats gets the rips, he sees my leg as some sort of scenery object to do tricks off of, usually involving embedding his back claws deep into my skin
Anonymous7: If i were in the wonis world. The girl I would want to fuck and mary wld be Wel i cant decide between Amy, Tikal, Vanilla, or Wave. Mostly Amy.
Anonymous8(7): I meant if i were in sonics world. The girl I would want to fuck and mary wld be Wel i cant decide between Amy, Tikal, Vanilla, or Wave. Mostly Amy.
Oldcat8: Ooooh...... XD I sure hope Blaze knows what she's doing.. Hehehe.... Very funny for a sexual situation to be funny with a swallow & a cat. ROFL
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explains my leg, too :|
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