Toon_Coon: I have a proud love of all things impossible; and doing things to people that would generally hurt them but doesn't (cooking, removal of limbs) is definitely impossible. On one hand, it guarentees I'll never bring my fantasies into the real world a la zoophiles, necrophiles, and pedophiles. On the other, I will definitely agree that it's an incredibly strange fetish, though I'd like to think it's a bit more reasonable than someone who gets off on the pain of others. >.>
Also, extra points if the "victim" (using that term very loosely) is actually enjoying it. :3
Anonymous9: Judging by the size of Harley, and the sizes of the Titans, they were either shrunken or they aren't actually them. I mean, I know they're supposed to be alive, but proportion really ruins it for me.
Anonymous12: If only I were that sweat that I might run down their breasts and vaginas and faces and bodies so as to touch them before dripping off before evaporating and passing past them again in hopes of re condensing upon their slowly baking corpses.
Anonymous13: Technically most of the titan girls were still kids, i mean seriously, look at anyone besides starfire, and they only came up to everyones shoulders. So, this is actually more on model to have them small then adult size.
Anonymous25: "bring my fantasies into the real world a la zoophiles, necrophiles, and pedophiles."
There is no evidence any of those groups listed have ever been inspired by fantasies to commit real acts, in fact, quite the opposite, it would seem that fantasies actually decrease the crime rate of whatever crime the fantasy is about.
An example of this would be the rape rate being so low in Japan, while they have tons of rape manga, games, etc.
Another would be video games have actually been linked to better control of emotions, while playing a video game can be a very emotional experience(Victory, God damn bats, escort missions, etc).
There are quite a few studies trying to blame lolicon for pedophilia, and none of them have ever scraped enough evidence even for a theory. Not to even mention pedophilia has pretty always been around, and it's doubtfully something that can be impressed upon someone.
I don't even see much necrophilia on the internet, and serious necrophilia? Practically non-existent; and it's not like I hang around on Mouse Fancy all day.
It's not really a common thing, in fantasies or in real life.
How many furfags have you ever heard of actually fucking a dog? I'm currently at zero.
I never did understand pain junkies. :/
Also, extra points if the "victim" (using that term very loosely) is actually enjoying it. :3
Is it bad that anon12's post turned me on?
There is no evidence any of those groups listed have ever been inspired by fantasies to commit real acts, in fact, quite the opposite, it would seem that fantasies actually decrease the crime rate of whatever crime the fantasy is about.
An example of this would be the rape rate being so low in Japan, while they have tons of rape manga, games, etc.
Another would be video games have actually been linked to better control of emotions, while playing a video game can be a very emotional experience(Victory, God damn bats, escort missions, etc).
There are quite a few studies trying to blame lolicon for pedophilia, and none of them have ever scraped enough evidence even for a theory. Not to even mention pedophilia has pretty always been around, and it's doubtfully something that can be impressed upon someone.
I don't even see much necrophilia on the internet, and serious necrophilia? Practically non-existent; and it's not like I hang around on Mouse Fancy all day.
It's not really a common thing, in fantasies or in real life.
How many furfags have you ever heard of actually fucking a dog? I'm currently at zero.
Your arguments are invalid.
as long as they're not in pain then it's okay.