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Anonymous1: pime taradox!
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Melynx: Dunno, looks like Maya Ibuki. Not that it matters but that would make more sense in regards to the picture.
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Anonymous2: maya's hair isn't that long
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Anonymous3: The hair on Rei and Yui is the same.
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Anonymous4: yer cause rei is yui clone anon 3
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Anonymous5: The mother and daughter that seduce together, stay together
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momi_momi: Evangelion: Even the hentai is a mind-fuck.
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Anonymous6: Yui Ikari comes back to life. Yui rewards Misato for being so good to her son. Yui goes off to murder her husband and claim the life insurance policy.
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Anonymous7: Would she really get the insurance money? Even if she could make it look like an accident, doesn't the fact that she's been legaly dead for the last ten years make it a tad difficult to claim the money? Besides, rat bastard Gendo wouldn't have really left money to anyone. More likely he's got his will set up to leave money to fund expirements on monkey babies.
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Anonymous8: The only quesion is if they would be live monkey babies... or if he would request they be killed for the expirements...