ZeroXDash: Since she doesnt have the signature beehive hairdo with the silver lightning strike down the side, id say this isnt the bride. Reverted the tags.
ZeroXDash: Some justify referring to the Creature as "Frankenstein" by pointing out that the Creature is, so to speak, Victor Frankenstein's offspring. Also, one might say that the monster is the invention of Doctor Frankenstein, and inventions are often named after the person who invented them, and if one is to consider the creature his son (for he did give it life) 'Frankenstein' is his familial name, and thus would also rightly belong to the creation. ::Hits Bong:: Or we could simply stop splitting hairs and fap.
Anonymous3: "In the novel, the creature has no name—a symbol of his parentlessness and lack of human sense of self and identity. He does call himself, when speaking to his creator, Victor Frankenstein, the "Adam of your labours"."
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