  • Опубликовано: 25 мар 2025
  • An ABSOLUTE TREASURE from the Accu-Stats vaults! From September 1994, Accu-Stats presents the Finals of the 19th U.S. OPEN 9-BALL CHAMPIONSHIPS between Efren Reyes and Nick Varner... Two Hall of Famers in their prime!! What else is there to say?? Time to set your clock... to way back!
    Remastered and upscaled to 720p HD
    - - - - - - - - -
    You can watch over 375 Accu-Stats Arena matches from the 2018 and 2019 INTL 9-BALL OPEN and 2017-2020 Derby City Classic, as well as other Accu-Stats Invitationals on Accu-Stats Vimeo Subscription service: vimeo.com/onde...
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    ©1994, 2020 Accu-Stats Video Productions
    #usopen9ballchampionships #accustats #efrenreyes #nickvarner #9ball

Комментарии • 927

  • @CptFantaztic
    @CptFantaztic 4 года назад +64

    Mr Varner still runs his billiards supply business in Owensboro, Ky. Last year my buddy had Mr Varners company come to his pole-barn/ man cave to recover his pool table. After they were done, Mr Varner called to see how the job went and my buddy invited him over to check their work. He said that he would be in the neighborhood and would swing by. He came about a half hour later and talked with us for about 30 minutes. My buddy said it would be a honor for him if Mr Varner played the first game on the recovered table. He said sure and played my buddy a game(Mr Varner won). I played Mr Varner the second game(he won) I have to say that Mr Varner is truely a class act. Thank you sir, it was a pleasure

    • @co7366
      @co7366 4 года назад +2

      Very cool.

    • @neuvocastezero1838
      @neuvocastezero1838 3 года назад +3

      I would have asked him to autograph the side of the table after the game for provenance.

    • @extraordinary_pan
      @extraordinary_pan 2 года назад


  • @shortydancer
    @shortydancer 3 года назад +182

    Why are people complaining so much? Complaining about commentary, Nick chewing, and such. Dude, we are able to watch a classic match of a young Efren and Nick, for FREE! This is history archived for our pleasure. Just enjoy it!

    • @samerbleik5475
      @samerbleik5475 3 года назад +6


    • @chrispafrieddreams9118
      @chrispafrieddreams9118 3 года назад +7

      Exactly! I thought the commentary was excellent, Also shows how the new equipment is so much better. They make more balls on the break, with the 9 on the spot, nowadays...

    • @carlitoongco9682
      @carlitoongco9682 3 года назад +6

      Yes...lets be thankful they brought us this game between two greats of pool.

    • @jadekenniker4450
      @jadekenniker4450 3 года назад +1

      Efren was 40 at that time

    • @davidwylie9846
      @davidwylie9846 3 года назад +5

      Yeah and to add to list of complaints, one of commentaries has a really bad lisp that is severely distracting. Could the producers have possibly picked a worse commentator

  • @kittyhawk7060
    @kittyhawk7060 Год назад +17

    All I want for Christmas is for Efren BATA Reyes to be young again. What a player!

    • @geralddadap1761
      @geralddadap1761 Год назад

      Maybe when ETs or Intergalactic guys upstairs are allowed to interfere directly to our affairs we could get the best technology for health and immortality.😅

  • @melc8049
    @melc8049 3 года назад +13

    This was his Ice Breaker Win. His first Major Championship. People already recognized his talent and skill as above other champions. Its 2021, he's already retired, but we are lucky to see his greatness and career on video like this!

    • @Alibadbad
      @Alibadbad 2 года назад

      He is not retired yet until now this year 2023

  • @nbdygivasht1919
    @nbdygivasht1919 3 года назад +56

    Hands down the greatest kick shot player ever! The greatest cue ball control ever ! 70 major titles damm the man is a G.O.A.T. Efren Reyes plays in a different level....

  • @AavonorcaA
    @AavonorcaA 4 года назад +5

    Thanks so much for this upload as it shows the whole match with all the safety battles (not like the ESPN broadcast). This is one of Efren's most important tournament wins b/c it was his 1st U.S. win (after dozens of 2nds).
    Talk about breaking belief barriers . . . . after he won this . . . . he literally won EVERY major U.S. tournament in 8-ball & 9-ball over the following years. One of the best classic matches in 9-ball . . . . ever.

  • @kaylaschroeder1
    @kaylaschroeder1 2 года назад +7

    Archer: "I tell ya what..." 😂
    LOVED this match! Thanks for posting! Makes me nostalgic for the 90's.

  • @andrewverrett568
    @andrewverrett568 Год назад +8

    From watching documentaries it seems like in the 80s american players just thought the best players at 9 ball in the world were americans, thinking no europeans really played, they prefered snooker. It was a real shock when guys like efren came over not only just as good but with a unique style and way of playing.

  • @coffmanlove2020
    @coffmanlove2020 3 года назад +11

    Efren first nine ball championship and the first foreigner to ever win it at that point making history

  • @hajirivera7772
    @hajirivera7772 4 года назад +8

    Thanks to the uploader... One of the best matches of GOAT Efren Reyes...

  • @MrJdsenior
    @MrJdsenior 4 года назад +9

    I would have liked to have seen Efren from the front after that lag...he looked like he was wondering if he'd suddenly entered a time warp. He pretty much NEVER misjudges/executes that badly. Thx for downloading these historic vids, especially matches like this with such stellar players, playing in their heydays (though they went on long after this, especially in some specific game sub-categories...like Efren, still winning top level one pocket, even now at his advanced, world level competition wise, age). I would like to see someone come along and eclipse him, especially someone with his demeanor and class...but until then, he is my all time favorite, over all. Sad to see him mostly leaving.

    • @sheilamclaughlin963
      @sheilamclaughlin963 3 года назад

      Looks like Shane is taking that spot as far as humility ect

  • @willstuart4504
    @willstuart4504 2 года назад +24

    Lol ... this must be early on in his career because Johnny saying...
    "..for whatever reason Efren can't win Championships ".... 😂😂
    Yeah, I don't think anyone says that NOW ... when looking back at the Goat's Legendary career.
    True, there's players who have won more overall tournaments, but IMO when a World Championship Final, or any other Big Money Final, is up for grabs... I'd take the Magician everytime!! And there can only be ONE.... Greatest of all time. Efren Reyes. 👍

    • @michaelschriner9889
      @michaelschriner9889 2 года назад

      Efren struggled at 9 ball championships back then, one of the reasons being the elite playing abilities of Johnny Archer and many other American players.

    • @xz7867
      @xz7867 2 года назад +1

      @@michaelschriner9889 there's that and his disadvantage to other players back in the day was the break

    • @michaelschriner9889
      @michaelschriner9889 2 года назад +1

      @@xz7867 very true

    • @ugaugauga488
      @ugaugauga488 2 года назад +4

      I agree 100%. Consider that after this match Reyes went on to win over 30 championships beating all the champions that played in all the major events. The name of the event is not the deciding factor because he's beating the same champs in a different venue. Furthermore, he dominated the Derby City Classics all over the place, in games where some of the other greats failed miserably. He also went on to win most of the major money events against the best of the best, and he did it when it counted, just when everyone said (more than once) that the event would prove who is the greatest. I could go on. He was not the best at 9-Ball, but he was better at 8-Ball and One-Pocket and other games than the 9-ball elite. So, overall, Efren definitely is THE GOAT. So say over 90% of the world, including the majority of the champions.

    • @willstuart4504
      @willstuart4504 2 года назад +2

      @@ugaugauga488 Yup, well said and agree completely!!
      His incredible WIN at the Color of money marathon with the Legend Earl the Pearl was an absolute CLINIC on mental and emotional toughness and Efren's undying belief in himself.👏👏

  • @Luckydad2
    @Luckydad2 4 года назад +3

    One of my favorite matches of all time. Thank you Pat for documenting these matches over the years. I purchased the VHS tape of this match 20 years ago (along with a dozen other Accustat tapes), but sadly don't know where it is anymore. So thankful that I can still view Efren and Nick when they were in or near their prime. We appreciate you, Pat.

  • @rafaelvillamor9702
    @rafaelvillamor9702 Год назад +8

    When Billy Incardona stated at 1:02:35 that I DONT SEE THAT ANYONE HAS I NDEPT IN A KICKING GAME THAN EFREN. Yeah he's correct. 29yrs after this, and until now in modern times, still NOBODY in Pool is better in Kicking game than Efren. I can say now in Modern era now in 2023, ALBIN OUCHAN is probobly the best Kicker today. But still not at the same level of Efren in terms of Kicksots.

  • @danatompkins4385
    @danatompkins4385 Год назад +8

    its funny that when Efren is ahead and on a roll, they have a commercial break. Ive seen this happen more times than not.

  • @willstuart4504
    @willstuart4504 4 года назад +45

    Lets be honest, the Pool Gods made Efren Reyes's "BREAK" average at best, so Fans would be able to enjoy some closer Matches.
    Because we all know .... had Reyes been blessed with a Killer BREAK on top of every other unmatched skill set 😬😦😧.... these awesomely close and dramatic matches would suddenly be ending much quicker. Lol

    • @rolandoramon7515
      @rolandoramon7515 4 года назад +4

      Best comment ive ever read about billiards

    • @cebuanoninoy
      @cebuanoninoy 4 года назад +2

      Exactly! I saw one game where Efren played with a very good Japanese guy who just beat Strickland. The guy was playing really good. But since Efren makes a ball every break, he has no chance at all.

    • @zeanstephendeveyra447
      @zeanstephendeveyra447 4 года назад

      Amen to that...👍

    • @2k_
      @2k_ 3 года назад


    • @carlitoongco9682
      @carlitoongco9682 3 года назад

      Correct!....and thus games were no longer excites us.

  • @MyCorduroy
    @MyCorduroy Год назад +8

    I know, listen Mr. Archer you and Varner are great friends but Effren is not your enemy. Unbiased commentary is what we want. You could have opted out of commentators job when you felt that you could not control your emotions favoring Varner and you could not digest Varner's defeat.

  • @jaredhamilton6913
    @jaredhamilton6913 10 месяцев назад +4

    When commentary is unbiased and considers the actual track record of participants, hundreds of internet know-it-alls will mouth off about it. Efren is my favorite player, and this was his beginning as far as winning majors, becoming a dominant player, and staying at or near the top for the next decade and a half.

  • @bruceperez2283
    @bruceperez2283 3 года назад +5

    1:02:44 that shot by Efren was one of the best i have seen. Archer even said "That shot is not taught in America:. Johnny Archer is one of the best gentleman and one of the greatest nine ball players.

  • @jayarcasio8690
    @jayarcasio8690 5 месяцев назад +3

    I was 1 years old when this happened just appreciate when this accu stats to release this video this is legit treasure as a filipino thank you for showing us our hero

  • @bryantoms3999
    @bryantoms3999 4 года назад +5

    thanks for showing these talented players,enjoyed every minute ,efren is the master of angles,he see's shots the commentators don't even consider.EFREN POOL GOD

  • @dotdecorandmore7480
    @dotdecorandmore7480 3 года назад +2

    Thank you for uploading your videos and allowing us to see classic matches and players!

  • @darylkanofski9327
    @darylkanofski9327 Год назад +7

    Commentators have so much trouble knowing what Efren will do

  • @MrJontyPatel
    @MrJontyPatel Год назад +9

    Legend says Nick Varner is still chewing that gum 🤣

  • @ugaugauga488
    @ugaugauga488 2 года назад +4

    What a great match. They both had to fight so hard for it. They both had incredible shots, especially in safeties. Thank you so much Accu-Stats for posting it.

    @TTIOTT 4 года назад +2

    This is a gem of a video. Thanks for the upload!

  • @Per409
    @Per409 Год назад +9

    little did they know they were watching the greatest pool player ever

    • @auroranarvasa1498
      @auroranarvasa1498 Год назад

      Both ignorants and no professionalism in broadcasting

  • @lincolnsst1662
    @lincolnsst1662 Год назад +8

    It's so obvious that both announcers are rooting for Varrner,

  • @kevindean6600
    @kevindean6600 4 года назад +5

    Thank you so much for posting this.

    • @AccuStats
      @AccuStats  4 года назад +1

      Glad you enjoyed it!

  • @vebnew
    @vebnew 6 месяцев назад +10

    Both players are absolutely fabulous, but Efren is the GOAT! - - - I played Efren in 2017; the game was the best three out of five in nine ball. Of course he beat me and I enjoyed it. - - - If you are ever in the Huntsville Alabama area just stop by Steve's Cue and Grill - - - as you walk in you will see a picture of Efren and I on the left just outside the entrance of my cue repair shop - - - I'm there every week, if I'm not in my shop just walk up to the bar and look to your right - - - I am normally setting at the first table having coffee or unsweetened tea if I am not teaching someone how to shoot pool - - - if you shoot pool, since I own all the Diamond pool tables in the bar, the table time will be on me and I will let you break!

    • @lanecampbell7605
      @lanecampbell7605 5 месяцев назад +1

      I matched up with Efren playing one pocket; even, for $40 a game. I wanted the experience and the story. I won the flip and broke well. He pondered for a full minute. Then he kick banked a ball near my hole into his and then ran out. His turn to break. Made a ball, ran out. We weren't playing rack-your-own. So, I'm down two games after winning the flip, breaking well, and sitting down. Good times.

    • @vebnew
      @vebnew 5 месяцев назад

      @@lanecampbell7605 Lessons come at a cost, what sweet pain

    • @hermantorres5170
      @hermantorres5170 3 месяца назад

      I envy you guys who've met and played him. Well done!

  • @JohnSmith-en8vx
    @JohnSmith-en8vx 4 года назад +6

    This reminds me of Jordan hitting the 17 footer against Georgetown for the NCAA championship. After this, there was no stopping perhaps the World’d best 9 ball/8 ball player of all time.

  • @willstuart4504
    @willstuart4504 Год назад +12

    Lol ..... 🤣🤣
    Efren about to shoot the 9 Ball in to take a 5 to 1 lead... as Archer says,
    " I don't know, this is one of those Shots you REALLY have to concentr..."... *POP* as Reyes snaps the 9 ball in before he even finishes his sentence. 😂😂😂🤣😂🤣

  • @KarimRezwanHasan21
    @KarimRezwanHasan21 2 года назад +43

    When commentators were jawing for Varner....Efren silently won the match.....Hilarious

  • @lastharvestPDR
    @lastharvestPDR 2 года назад +10

    Aw, it was Johnny Archer that was commentating and had a negative comment for almost everything Efren did!
    EFREN REYES, is without a doubt the greatest Pool Player ever lived. This includes those deceased.
    He has only "one" weakness, (if you want to call it that). And it's not his breaking.
    He is a "Muhammad Ali" instead of a "Mike Tyson!!!"

    • @words911
      @words911 2 года назад +1

      What's his weakness if it isn't breaking?

    • @lastharvestPDR
      @lastharvestPDR 2 года назад +4

      I watched almost all of Efren's videos and he makes just as many balls on the break as anyone else.
      "White" America can't accept the fact that the greatest pool player happens to be Filipino so they try to find weaknesses in his game.
      If Efren had the attitude of a Tyson (wanting to destroy every opponent) he would have probably won even more games.

    • @jlobiafra
      @jlobiafra Год назад +3

      ​@@lastharvestPDR stfu with all this Americans are anti Reyes crap. First of all this is 1994 moron, efren hadn't established his GOAT status yet since he was just making a mark on the global stage. Ever since the 2000's american players and fans have given efren the upmost respect he deserves

    • @edwardtumanguil1839
      @edwardtumanguil1839 Год назад

      he's no match to the calibre of efren and that's a fact...

    • @EdMrEasy
      @EdMrEasy Год назад

      @@lastharvestPDR haha you're delusional in regards to both of your statements. wow

  • @jamesdrynan
    @jamesdrynan 5 месяцев назад +5

    This is where Efren started his conquest of the top-ranked US players. In 1996, his victory over Jim Rempe is still the most exciting game on film.

  • @alexbarredo1399
    @alexbarredo1399 2 года назад +14

    just noticed'! they want to break efrens momentum by delaying when efren won every rack.

  • @ranchopatriot
    @ranchopatriot 2 года назад +9

    01:02:05 Best part. "I really don't give him a lot of a chance."

  • @mattedwards4533
    @mattedwards4533 4 года назад +9

    I never get tired of watching great pool players play pool and there is no one greater than Reyes!

  • @nhactanthanh
    @nhactanthanh Год назад +3

    Both are among the top level players and their skills showed without doubts. Just a flip of second then from advantage got to disadvantages and Nick still had chance for the rest of the game after 1-1. Efren proved he was calm and not easily distracted to remain on his hard earned advantage til the end. As a commentator, he should learn in the game and be cautious in commenting with an underdog player like Efren because never know that player might be the brightest star among the stars.
    12:12 After 1-1 and the advantage went to Nick, a signal given to start right away without delay. Later of the games when Efren on the winning, all his breaks got to for unnecessary long delay for camera. These were intentional anti momentum or cause distraction to Efren. Beside biased commentators and their horrible predictions plus deceiving the fact of hitting and set the cue ball for the next move from Efren, so obvious lack of professional skill of commenting despite they are at pro-level of players. They are paid to be in the role of commenting not one-way biasing from the beginning to the end! Well, pro-player and legends turn their losses to experience and get better in their career, not letting the opponent's skills become the hatred or the bias and that only digging the grave. This video proves the sour losers among pro-level when they take a role of commentator, they never reach the top or never become the legend because the attitude never accept the greatness.

  • @Joshua_t_
    @Joshua_t_ 7 месяцев назад +5

    54:27 one of the greatest pool shots you’ll ever see.

  • @LeeArmstrong-e6i
    @LeeArmstrong-e6i Год назад +6

    The man's control of the cue ball is magical!

  • @mikecabral1579
    @mikecabral1579 4 года назад +2

    Thanks for showing this great match. Wow the safety plays by each player were just great to see. I really enjoyed watching.

  • @rjancheta5895
    @rjancheta5895 4 года назад +6

    Every commentator on early efren days repeatedly say : "i dont like this shot" then immediately followed by : "ow no problem, what a great shot" something that separates efren from us players is his vision and creativity he does not settle on the 'right shot'

    • @oddbodhobbies2840
      @oddbodhobbies2840 4 года назад +1

      It's like just because they can't hit the shot then it's wrong but if they were in the same class of playing as Efren then they will be playing not running his mouth off.

    • @chrispafrieddreams9118
      @chrispafrieddreams9118 3 года назад

      @@251rmartin more creativity with the red circle, more " bending" the ball . As apposed to the take a straight line to the ball, middle of the table,measle ball crap...

  • @Gmanu29
    @Gmanu29 3 года назад +3

    Nice one Accu-Stats 👍Thank you. Btw, Do you have also those full version Japan tournaments in your archive? Love to watch those

    • @AccuStats
      @AccuStats  3 года назад +1

      Sorry, no Japanese tournaments.

  • @GregRearranger
    @GregRearranger 3 года назад +2

    That bad a** kick shot on the one in the side was his first shot of the match! Thanks for posting - two of the best ever.

  • @mattblankenship7660
    @mattblankenship7660 4 года назад +3

    1:02:57 most emotion you will ever see out of Nick during a match. I had the privilege of taking a few days of lessons from him a few years ago. Very reserved and measured man. Efren has driven him crazy all match and that escape from Nick’s safety was the last straw...

  • @cleangoblin2021
    @cleangoblin2021 2 года назад +5

    1st shot and it's already magic
    Was clapping every round for both players with their peak performance

  • @714magik
    @714magik 3 года назад +3

    A jewel of a match. Thanks for sharing this.

  • @tgh223
    @tgh223 4 года назад +1

    accu stats thank u guys so much for all u do

  • @jaytomson7052
    @jaytomson7052 4 года назад +5

    This is the first Efren video that shows the process and production techniques of filming and commentary back in the day...

  • @MrPugsleyCat
    @MrPugsleyCat 4 года назад +4

    Another great match. Thank you for sharing it.

  • @andrewverrett568
    @andrewverrett568 Год назад +9

    Love how efren wasn't afraid to use pocket speed to the maximum. Ball would hit both sides of the pocket. Its ugly looking but efren knew it wasn't about looking pretty on every shot. That's why he flows so well. The Americans always look so robotic and everything has to be in the heart of the pocket and hit hard. Efren changed pool by showing everyone kicks, but also showing guys that sometimes to look pretty you gotta make some ugly shots too.

  • @cliffhart6301
    @cliffhart6301 4 года назад +2

    Fantastic match! These 9 ball matches from 90s are great!!

  • @rafaelvillamor9702
    @rafaelvillamor9702 Год назад +6

    Whenever Efren is asked who's the BEST PLAYERS he ever played against, his answer is MIKE SIGEL at number 1, 2nd is EARL STRICKLAND, and 3rd is NICK VARNER

    • @PostUp_Time
      @PostUp_Time Год назад +1


  • @gracianomendoza8671
    @gracianomendoza8671 Год назад +12

    People not complaining, commentators obviously one sided. Good thing Efren won to prove them he is now in the house.

  • @painkonan3916
    @painkonan3916 4 года назад +3

    1:02:52 the depressed reaction from Nick Varner after The Magician kickshot. Godly shot by the magician himself 👏🙌🙌🙌🙌

    • @jameshendrix9262
      @jameshendrix9262 4 года назад

      You mean the one where nick replayed by getting BiH?

    • @painkonan3916
      @painkonan3916 4 года назад

      @@jameshendrix9262 read my comment bruh

  • @pha-thama976
    @pha-thama976 9 месяцев назад +5

    Undoubtedly Efren "The Magician" Reyes is the Greatest Pool Player Of All Time, pride of the Philippinnes.

  • @larrywhipit5204
    @larrywhipit5204 4 года назад +6

    @Accu-Stats Video Productions Do you have any rare Keith McCready, St.louis Louie, or Ronnie Alan you could post?

  • @pascalguerandel8181
    @pascalguerandel8181 2 года назад +11

    Varner is so much better than Siegel. Equal to Efren! Efren has a slight edge because he is the magician!

    • @ugaugauga488
      @ugaugauga488 2 года назад +1

      Yes. And consider that after this match Reyes went on to win over 30 championships beating all the champions that played in all the major events. The name of the event is not the deciding factor because he's beating the same champs in a different venue. Furthermore, he dominated the Derby City Classics all over the place, in games where some of the other greats failed miserably. He also went on to win most of the major money events against the best of the best, and he did it when it counted, just when everyone said (more than once) that the event would prove who is the greatest. I could go on. He was not the best at 9-Ball, but he was better at 8-Ball and One-Pocket and other games than the 9-ball elite. So, overall, Efren definitely is THE GOAT, as per over 90% of the world, including the majority of the champions.

  • @alexiaskolnick4449
    @alexiaskolnick4449 4 года назад +18

    this is really treasure.. clear picture nice sound good commentaries.. and off course the legend himself at his best...

    • @AccuStats
      @AccuStats  4 года назад +6

      Glad you enjoyed it! More classics to come!

    • @bhatnagarsumit
      @bhatnagarsumit 4 года назад +2


    • @natyed1309
      @natyed1309 4 года назад

      An interesting game ,@!

  • @invictus9976
    @invictus9976 2 года назад +4

    Efren is the GOAT. I wonder how many would watch this games if he wasn't playing.

  • @Luckydad2
    @Luckydad2 4 года назад +5

    Efren's always been my pool idol, but I also wanted to add that Nick Varner is a great, great player. Efren's always respected Nick's game. Also, as someone who's been playing pool for 30 years, I notice little things here and there. Nick has always looked his competitors in the eye as he's shaking their hand, whether it's after a win or after a loss. Very rare these days in all sports. Great sportsman, great player.

    • @9Ballr
      @9Ballr 4 года назад +1

      Nick was actually a more successful tournament 9-ball player than Efren. He also traveled to the Philippines in the early 1990's to play Efren a race to 60, and won 60-47.

    • @roccocicoria4888
      @roccocicoria4888 4 года назад +1

      excellent observation

    • @chrispafrieddreams9118
      @chrispafrieddreams9118 3 года назад

      I spoke to him briefly at the Reno open, he had a match on the table I was coming off. I had( still have) the identical cue,( Meucci)I like that he enjoyed sweating matches, was in there watching all the time..A true Gentleman..

  • @troynjpoolplayer6604
    @troynjpoolplayer6604 4 года назад +3

    Thank you for the free stream. You are #1.

  • @Jason-pl6vr
    @Jason-pl6vr 2 года назад +10

    Love watching these pool vids but 99 percent of the time the commentators run their mouth about nothing just to talk repeating themselves with pool lingo, very annoying. Gotta watch in silence

  • @airofballin
    @airofballin 4 года назад +18

    Even though he got re-safed, that kick shot and safe was the greatest i've ever seen

    • @MrJdsenior
      @MrJdsenior 4 года назад +5

      Yeah, at this level, NOTHING is really safe. The knowledge and skill level of top pros is virtually unbelievable, at times. What often amazes me is they will be hopelessly out of shape on a very difficult shot, and they pocket AND place the rock "perfectly" for the next shot. Exactly where you would put it, ball in hand, more often than not. I do just the opposite...perfect rock...reasonably easy shot...to out in the weeds. THAT is my apparent specialty, unfortunately. :-(

    • @chrispafrieddreams9118
      @chrispafrieddreams9118 3 года назад

      Look up the "Z" shot Efren Reyes!!

  • @1000elochess
    @1000elochess 3 года назад +5

    GOAT. Dude's creativity in his shots are amazing to watch.

  • @PostUp_Time
    @PostUp_Time Год назад +5


  • @dshadow3173
    @dshadow3173 Год назад +7

    Dear God, please do not let Archer ever try and be a commentator again. He's a World Class Player, but absolutely horrible commentator.

    • @sews1523
      @sews1523 Год назад +1

      This happened 30 years ago

  • @pac-man-ooo5520
    @pac-man-ooo5520 Год назад +3

    Commentator said no corner ball but he made something and it was the corner lol😂

  • @0Caracalla
    @0Caracalla 4 года назад +16

    @ 1:02:40 Efren.

    • @5000rgb
      @5000rgb 4 года назад +2

      Couldn't believe Nick had an answer for that.

  • @heydude4630
    @heydude4630 2 года назад +8


    • @tomshaw661
      @tomshaw661 2 года назад

      same great gum every match

  • @siddalida9778
    @siddalida9778 4 года назад +8

    And from that time on, the dry spell was over, it got flooded by Efren's magic..

  • @ereljr.barbac3651
    @ereljr.barbac3651 3 года назад +3

    Sa last game, 8 balls pa ang natira peru parang alam na ng fans ang mangyayari...

  • @RolandoQuilon-g7n
    @RolandoQuilon-g7n 11 месяцев назад +4

    Efren Reyes is the greatest pool billiard player of all times

  • @greeneyeddevil1
    @greeneyeddevil1 4 года назад +3

    Thank you for the great match. Four legends of the game, Reyes, Varner, Archer, and Incardona.

  • @philliplabrie3674
    @philliplabrie3674 Год назад +4

    Of all the great players I've run into and played I never had the chance to meet him Efren he is truly a gentleman

  • @lynoj777
    @lynoj777 2 года назад +10

    Efren is way advanced skill wise, technique and envision… mentally he can sa more options and gaming. In controlling the cue ball and making a play. He is 2, 3, ,4 steps ahead all the time.

  • @amazingrhod1119
    @amazingrhod1119 Год назад +3

    Proud ako bilang isang Filipino dahil sa Talent ni Efren. The biggest pool player who won 500 k USD in the history of international pool

  • @estelaguarda5423
    @estelaguarda5423 10 месяцев назад +5

    So are we just gonna ignore that Archer picked Reyes to win and the other guy said "Efren is the greatest player he has watched play the game"? He said himself Efren is the goat in 1994, he was just not big winning tournaments during that time, but from this moment on until the next 15 years he has won a major title in all disciplines (8 ball, 9 ball, 10 ball etc).

  • @danielmorris4676
    @danielmorris4676 3 года назад +7

    Note to commentators: Efren's break is admittedly his weakest part of his game, yet he still is considered the best player of all time. And luck, despite how much you fellows talk about it, has nothing to do with it Efren's stature.

    • @jacobjones5269
      @jacobjones5269 3 года назад

      No chance in 9-ball.. Nick beat him 60-39 in the Philippines, and Efren swore he’d never play him again.. lol..
      I don’t even think he’s top 10 in 9-ball anymore.. And yes, it’s because he breaks like a girl..

    • @1000elochess
      @1000elochess 3 года назад +2

      @@jacobjones5269 How does that diminish Efren lol? Varner still got his ass kicked in this video. Varner wouldn't even stand a chance against Efren in 8 ball, 15 ball and one pocket. Efren beat all time greats like Sigel, Strickland, Varner in their own category and in major tournaments. Whatever you're smoking, I want it.

    • @jacobjones5269
      @jacobjones5269 3 года назад +1

      Efren is the best all around player of his generation, no doubt.. Varner was a 3 time world 8-ball champion, though..

  • @josephvanover6846
    @josephvanover6846 3 года назад +6

    I love when efren proves them wrong

  • @paleshelter4002
    @paleshelter4002 4 года назад +3

    aww the old tough Brunswick table..gotta like the sound !

  • @teresasoliz842
    @teresasoliz842 4 года назад +3

    Thanks, Pat...great entertainment.

  • @fastone371
    @fastone371 4 года назад +4

    Thank you Accu-Stats, this one is true diamond in a goats butt!!

  • @nasigeo2790
    @nasigeo2790 4 года назад +3

    I envy that last image of having that 9 ball signature.. at that time no one would know that Efren would eventually become the GOAT of billiards.

  • @MrMarco855
    @MrMarco855 3 года назад +7

    We all have an opinion and mine is that Efren Reyes is the best pool player I've ever seen, and there is no 2nd place.

    • @jacobjones5269
      @jacobjones5269 3 года назад

      Ralph Greenleaf..

    • @benrenejau2002
      @benrenejau2002 3 года назад +1

      @@jacobjones5269 It's Efren bro. In terms of any categories of pool, it really is Efren.

  • @9Ballr
    @9Ballr 4 года назад +7

    Amazingly enough, this is Efren's one and only U.S. Open 9 Ball title. I think Nick and Efren are two of the top five best all-around players in the history of pool.

    • @0Caracalla
      @0Caracalla 4 года назад +3

      90's era top US players were better than today's top US players imo

    • @RockSpoon123
      @RockSpoon123 4 года назад +1

      @@0Caracalla Well today you have Shane Van Boening (one of the greatest), Billy Thorpe (an insane bank pool player and creative 9-ball player), Sky Woodward (consistantly a strong player). I can keep going but you get it. 90s players were insanely strong but I wouldn't completely discount the new folk quite yet.

  • @bhatnagarsumit
    @bhatnagarsumit 4 года назад +6

    Thankyou for the upload

  • @kboy5189
    @kboy5189 4 года назад +5

    Every time Efren won the rack, they hold the match for some seconds trying to make Efren loose the momentum of the game. But when Nick won the rack, they let him break immediately. Funny trick they tried lol

    • @physicsguybrian
      @physicsguybrian 4 года назад +8

      They were holding for commercial breaks. Timing was just coincidental.

    • @kboy5189
      @kboy5189 4 года назад

      @@physicsguybrian ahh. Got it. Thanks for clarifying.

  • @MrMarco855
    @MrMarco855 3 года назад +5

    At 5:43 Efren makes a fantastic shot. The commentators were discussing how he could merely hit the 1 ball. He banked it in like nobody else can. Later one commentator asked the other, do you think he was trying to bank that in? Are you shitting me? They're supposed to be former pro players themselves. Efren makes a great shot but they aren't sure if he was trying for the bank? This upsets me because it interrupts the enjoyment and the flow of the game. Bad commentators are worse than none at all.

  • @rcortez911
    @rcortez911 2 года назад +7

    Efrén still kicking butt today. He is the pool GOAT

  • @scottbacci8933
    @scottbacci8933 3 года назад +3

    amazing kick shot at around 1:03

  • @MyCorduroy
    @MyCorduroy Год назад +8

    Every prediction by the illiterate commentators about what the player is going to do and where the cue ball and other balls are going to be went totally wrong..

  • @MyCorduroy
    @MyCorduroy Год назад +11

    Commentators, please be honest that you want Nick varner to win and Effren to fail miserably. If you are avid fans of Nick and biased, then you do not deserve to be a commentator.

    • @MF121655
      @MF121655 Год назад +3

      Nick should only play pool; commentating is not his forté. 😊

    • @katiemcdavid4124
      @katiemcdavid4124 Год назад +2

      Neither one can kiss Reyes ass on a Sunday afternoon,!!!!!!!!!!

  • @pedropicapiedra3598
    @pedropicapiedra3598 3 года назад +4

    Watching old games I wish jumping the ball was forbidden nowadays.

  • @haroldinnerarity1478
    @haroldinnerarity1478 4 года назад +3

    Did any body notice that the 3 dam commercial breaks held Efren up long enough to throw off his momentum on his breaks. Nick had a delay in his break for a commercial and he too came up dry on his break.

  • @leopoldoesquibeljr428
    @leopoldoesquibeljr428 8 месяцев назад +6

    Watching in 2024

  • @Laogai001
    @Laogai001 2 года назад +7

    You know what’s amazing for me is when they said that his break is no good. Can you imagine if Efren is breaking good what would have happened. Most people already said that he’s the GOAT with that kind of break. At least his opponent has a chance because of his not so good break. Try to Picture inside ur mind and then you’ll know what I’m talking about

    • @ugaugauga488
      @ugaugauga488 2 года назад +2

      He beat Strickland in "The Color of Money" because he dominated in the break the last day of competition. I've seen him pocketing consecutive 3 and even 4-balls in many competitive matches. I think he eventually began to use strategy other than just big breaks. He's clearly not as strong physically as some of the other competitors.

    • @SanAndresBukid
      @SanAndresBukid 2 года назад

      Because of our Filipino athletes and their humble personality no matter how great they are, they never look down to other people or think so much highly of themselves, they do not bragg about their achievements. Most people in the World look at us generally as the same as these great Filipino atheletes, humble and with a kind personality yet here you are a nobody, talentless, no one even knows who you are and yet you sre so arrogant and think so highly of yourself. You don't even have a talent. I apologized on behalf of my fellow Filipinos who thinks they are better than other people. Please do not let this 1 guy attitude portray and think that all filipinos are like him. He seems to be mentally sicked and was raised by abnormal parents. Most Filpinos grew up polite and kind but some of us are just really trashed and disgusting.😪

  • @koenruysseveldt3848
    @koenruysseveldt3848 4 года назад +10

    Didn't they know that Efren 'Bata' Reyes is a world class 3 cushion billiards player too and not just a very good pool player? So kicking and banking and all angles you can think off is easy for him.

    • @josephlee4337
      @josephlee4337 4 года назад +1

      It's without a doubt Efren is the best ever in pool and yes, he also plays 3 cushions billiard, but Efren is far from being world-class in 3 cushions. He plays 3 cushions billiard with friends for fun. He has never played in the competition.

    • @actionhunter93
      @actionhunter93 4 года назад +2

      Efren plays/used to play 3 cushion billiards and has picked a lot of knowledge from that and applied it to his kicking game. But with that being said, he was never elite at 3 cushion. There is a match against Blömdahl who is arguably one of the best ever. While Efren played some good shots, Blömdahl dominated easily.

    • @actionhunter93
      @actionhunter93 4 года назад

      @Packo_ Hubu I know Efren's story mate, I was just commenting on the statement that he is world class at carom billiards. That is very far from the truth and I stated some facts to prove my point that's all.

    • @chrispafrieddreams9118
      @chrispafrieddreams9118 3 года назад

      It's the rotation background that makes him so good at caroms, kicking and combos..

    • @alexestipular1363
      @alexestipular1363 2 года назад


  • @StrawWeaver
    @StrawWeaver Год назад +1

    I think this is the first match I ever watched. I got a jolt of nostalgia :)