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TagsBee, bird, birds_and_the_bees, featured_image, insect
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Anonymous1: BAD END
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Rule_00100010: Either way, this looks painful.
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Titanium: Featured!

So that's how it works...
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Anonymous2: So that's what they mean by the Birds and the Bees huh?
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Anonymous3: you horny little bee-stard...

see what i did thar? ;D
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Anonymous4: Bee is gonna die.
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Anonymous5: son, we need to have a conversation aout the birds and the bees....
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Anonymous7: This won't end well.
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Anonymous9: but dies while fucking
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Anonymous10: well, the picture is called "lust", so that might actually be intended
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Anonymous11: Awesome
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Gelatinous: Just like I remember it from sex-ed. Thanks public school system.
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Anonymous12: that bee tied down spread eagle?
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DragonShade44: Ahahaha, anon5 made me lol.
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Anonymous13: the bee is tied up? the birds raping the damn bee? rape is bad kids
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Anonymous14: Uh, whut? o.O
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Drax99: I think that is supposed to be a Bee Catcher bird. Although I couldnt find one that color, the markings are dead-on
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Anonymous15: Lol. Bondage bee.
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Anonymous16: This is so canon.
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ralf_the_best_artist_ever: like there's no border for a true love or something in that way
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Anonymous18: The picture could very well be more natural if it bee wings that were not trapped by the plant.

That little bird must be fierce love for that little bee,
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Bones: wat
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Anonymous19: I don't get why everyone is so amazed by this. It's exactly how dad described it to me.
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Anonymous20: I always thought that the birds were the dudes and the bees were chicks. Could be wrong. though.

@Anon34: in the butt.
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Cloudrunner: Hot damn. First time I've jacked it to a sexual euphemism. Thanks /34/!
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Htoonlover: birds and the bees: DOESN'T WORK THAT WAY!!!

(^anon19: naw if anything 'bird' has long been slang for girl, and bee's are 'little pricks' like pervy guys. but realistically neither is intended as specifically one.
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Anonymous21: FUN FACT: bee stingers are formed from the modified genitals of female drones. That means this shit is really some hot girl on girl interspecies action.
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DJR_1989: What if the bird got stung halfway through?
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Ratraccoon: Anonymous20 there is another fun fact about birds. They don't have external genitalia instead they have a cloaca (which doubles as their anus) and inside that is where their genitals are located. So chances are that it actually could be a male bird

If that is the case and that bird is trying to rape the bee he might be the one that gets raped.
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Anonymous22: FUN FACT: Male bees explode as they reach climax P.S iim not anon 20
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Anonymous23: awesome.
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Dagg: oh wow. XD
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leacheate_soup: So, do male bees leave their penises behind?
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anon0: it's where we get hummingbirds from.

you've seen those little freaks.
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Sah: anon0 WINS.
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Selene: It's time we have that talk...
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duckpenisexpert: o_o This is exactly why I'm glad the Spice Channel taught me everything I needed to know.
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Anonymous24: Holy shit anon0 you're right.
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SD40-2: That's how honey was made.
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ydkj: @duckpenisexpert
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Anonymous25: Bees... my God...
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Necal: Anon3; Totally worth it.
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ronasokily: anon0....that's the best observation i've ever seen on this site.

this is also the first interspecies bdsm futa-bug on bird action.

i always was confused which was the boy and which was the girl
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Anonymous27: The ironic thing is that all drone bees are female.
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Drax99: Actually, the Workers are female, the drones are males. And The males have no stinger.
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DIEDIEDIE765: Dearest lawd, I think my eyeballs exploded from overwhelming awesome intake!
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DIEDIEDIE765: I never got the birds and the bees talk... Thanks internet!
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Anonymous28: I never got the Birds/Bees talk either, my parents just threw books at me. Evidentally, they were the WRONG BOOKS!
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Anonymous29: I'm going to give this talk to my children.
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MuchKoku: The Internet is an awesome place.
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Anonymous30: I feel enlightened having read through these comments. Thanks anon 1-9000 and everyone in between.
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Anonymous32: To quote 'Wicker Man', "BEES! BEES! OH DEAR GOD NOT THE BEEEES!"
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Anonymous33: This would be fappable if this didn't look so horrifyingly painful. Either way, this is still amazing.
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Krawczyk: Fuck the honey, where's my lemonade?!?
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SlippyTheToad: I've always been curious about the birds and the bees since I never got that talk.
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Anonymous34: I never got the talk either, but i learned it on my own way before the school started teaching me it.
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Anonymous35: OW MY BRAIN
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Kilbane: See, I didn't have to take biology after all, THE INTERNET HOLDS ALL THE ANSWERS. THANKS GUYS.
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TheMaskedMan: The internet: Now teaching kids both the things they need to know AND the things they shouldn't know.
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Anonymous36: On the astronomically impossible odds that I ever have kids, much less ones that ask me about what the 'birds and the bees' means, I will show them this picture.
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Anonymous37: i came looking for animal from the muppets what the fuck is this shit
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Anonymous38: i came looking for simpsons what the fuck is this shit
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AdD: THis is how I'll be teaching my kids when they're old enough.
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Anonymous41: anon39> Have you ever heard of the birds and the bees?
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Anonymous42: Who says porn isn't educational?
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Anonymous43: Bees are for punching.....not raping
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Anonymous44: See, There's birds, which are cool I guess, and then there's bees, which only want to stab you in the vagina, possibly injecting you with venom. Therefore, no dating.
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Anonymous45: Did you guys even notice the yellow flowers?
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Anonymous46: anon6
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Titanium: Anon44 - Oh noes I has the sex addiction
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HitodamaKyrie: Lets not forget that bees don't have tounges either...
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HitodamaKyrie: Also, this isn't the only one.
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Titanium: HitodamaKyrie - Use the double > format

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Hurrdurr: Bee jaws don't work that way!

Neither do their stingers!

Also, bees are all female! [Except the male ones but they have really big weird eyes and no stingers]

This is a case of "did not do their research"
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Anonymous47: to Hurrdurr this is rule34 anything is possible even its not possible so piss off
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agumon: Fucking amazing
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Anonymous48: Rule 34 of the Birds and the Bees
Gentlemen, I believe we've come full circle
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HitodamaKyrie: Ah, was wondering how to do that. Thanks, Titanium.
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Anonymous49: Not sure if want.

Wait, scratch that, do want.
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Anonymous50: must not fap!
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anon0: lol Sah, thanks.
ronasokily, thanks again, now you know where weird species cum from.

for my next observation, I will reveal the horrors that went into the making of a mermaid! (hint: Troy Mclure)
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Anonymous51: Lol, wut.
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Franky_Whiskey: To ease the confusion of all you guize here:

If you believe the bee is the guy and the bird is the girl, fine.

If you believe the bee is the girl and the bird the guy, it's pegging...which it's fine,too
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R_A: ...But in your case Anonymous4, the bees and the bees.
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Anonymous52: it's not gay if he likes female ostriches
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ronasokily: i'm gonna show this to my kids one day. i'll tell them to figure it out themselves. that'll be my sex-talk
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Anonymous53: Omg! That's where we come from?! D:
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Anonymous54: no it's just where you come from
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lukechucky: What a great prick!
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Anonymous55: anon 47 you do realize there is a extreme amount of shit that has no rule 34 right? only shit that people would most likely encounter in there daily life has rule 34 which is why retards like you are under the impression everything has some rule 34. Look up some obscure anime/cartoon from the 80's or early 90's and it won't have any rule 34.
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Pangolinx: Ah spring time, the birds are out, bees are trying to have sex with them. As is my understanding.
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Anonymous56: Oh god, there's 2 of these?
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Anonymous57: OUCH!
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Anonymous58: OH SNAP SON
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Anonymous59: How the fuck is that possible?! You can not get a bee to have sex with a bird! That's like trying making a dog have sex with a dolphin! IT DOES NOT WORK!
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Anonymous60: shut the fuck up anon 58. this is the internet.
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Anonymous61: Anon54, I don't know why you're suddenly spazzing against this site, but you obviously do not understand the way Rule34 works. Rule 34 states that as long as it exists, then there is porn of it SOMEWHERE, not necessarily on this site, not even necessarily on the internet. It could be something in the private collection of an artist or cartoon animator. It may be a poorly draw piece of crap in some eight year old's notebook. But it exists, and if it does not, it soon will exist as covered by rule 35. So kindly stop being a douche and or find a way to remove yourself from this site/the human gene pool.
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ThatsAkoolStoryBro: anon5 wins for robot chicken quote.
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Anonymous62: Yep, now we have made metaphors for sex, sex. I love the whole world.
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Anonymous63: The birds and the bees, together they make one fucking wierd beaked, compound eyed, feathed piece of all natural shit. Imagine that and try to sleep tonight
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Anonymous64: great joke but

1) a drone has much bigger eyes
2) boy bees have willies, so you don't need the stinger there. - insects have weird bits would be fun to draw em
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Anonymous65(64): oh this is LESBIAN sex scene!

male bees don't sting

"hits self on head for knowing wayyyyyy too much about bees'

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