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Anonymous1: In his dreams, Candace haves real boobs
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Anonymous2: and a horrable imagination... i mean come on! only 2 frames!?
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Anonymous3: It's funny because it's true.
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Anonymous4: totally cannon :P
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Anonymous5: @anon4 completely agree.
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Anonymous6: wow they put the thought bubble on the wrong person
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Anonymous7: Cool I like. First he'll knock up candice, then her best friend Stacy, then who knows who he'll have
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Anonymous8(7): Her boobs arn't that big though, even though she is 16, or else she has a far too tigh bra
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Anonymous9: hey, it's a fantasy, anything's possible in those...did you think "real" porn isn't sized up to the expectations?
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Anonymous10: cool i like it!!!
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Anonymous11: i came to the page by accident whats going on :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::