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TagsFriendship_is_Magic, Gilda, MegaSweet, My_Little_Pony, Pinkie_Pie
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Info945x945 // 320KB // jpg
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Anonymous1: Just as Pinkie-planned.
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apolon: MLP fanart-Autism at its finest!
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Anonymous2: MLP fanart - autism at its finest!
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Anonymous3: Inside jokes on porn pictures - Austism at it's finest
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Killamajig: Would you all kindly take your crap elsewhere? I'm trying to enjoy this fully anthropomorphized implied pony lesbianism.
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darthbrandon: why the fuck is everyone talking about autism
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Anonymous4: Calling people autistic while posting on a website entirely dedicated to rule 34 porn- Autism at it's finest!
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Anonymous5: Just because Chris Chan liked the older generations of MLP doesn't mean you fuckers have to say that he ruins the new gen for us bronies. Go fuck yourselves. He doesn't even KNOW about FiM as far as people know.
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Anonymous6: Chris Chan likes transformers

I guess that means I cant enjoy transformers anymore

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adgjmp: That reaction face... I love it, even if its not porn-related.
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Anonymous7: I hear the Metal Gear "!" noise when I look at this picture.
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Anonymous8: Implied pony/griffon lesbianism, Killa. :D
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Killamajig: Well, I was just starting on the series at the time.
It's now about ten thousand times more awesome.
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Flanker: Instead of FAP I laugh... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
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Anonymous9: Alcohol's a powerful thing if it can get those two in the same bed (and you know alcohol was involved, considering the look of shock, awe, surprise, and possible disgust on Gilda's face.)
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HbA: Lol, this is great
Also, apolon and Anons 1&2 should stop bitching about autism and shit
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Shedy: "You thought that you could get away from Pinkie Pie, didn't you? Well, no one escapes from Pinkie! Yes. Especially not filthy griffons."

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