Anonymous6: Ah, yes, the straw man: People are "offended by Rule 34". People don't hate the retarded creator and his shitty content, they must hate porn in general. Go to that sad panda site, paheal, rule34 or any other website with comments. This shit is downvoted on every page on the internet.
Anonymous11(5): @Anonymous: No, you're just a fucking moron crying about seeing something you looked up. You're literally human waste. I'm just here to tell people like you what you are.
Anonymous16: I seem to be the only one waiting for gonnorhea and syphillis to take effect. But then, the characters are mad, so maybe they already have syphillis.
Anonymous20: Whinny hypocrites. Everyone always say it's fiction when talking about characters like Mowgli but you can't even take your own advice. It's pathetic.
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