Anonymous4: Pity about the TROLL ANONS who CONSTANTLY riff on Ultamisia's work! For god's sake, show some appreciation, draw something better yourselves, or shut the fuck up. There, three choices right there, just like in Mass Effect and either one suits me fine.
Anonymous7: Anon6; his work has always looked strange on the detail, it's just a form of art, it's his style and he has shown no intention of changing it.
mrbutt2: The drawing would benefit from a different elbow. The geometry is off and it's almost smack in the middle of the composition so you can't ignore it. When you look at all the care and effort that went into the lighting, it's obvious Ultamisia has the skills to fix it, so why not?
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Its not as easy as it looks, people. Chill. He'll work it out over time.