I could probably rant or ramble more with how things are ever/still pending. But as long as I'm not too forgetful or lethargic on things...
I'm tentatively mirroring some content on my gallery to AO3. Starting from my oldest to newest content. So anything I've recently written (to a point) will be on AO3 in due time.
Only exception/s are commissioned works. But that's just me being mindful on AO3's own canaries when it involves fanfiction etiquette and concerns.
So. I may, have and might have done a take on this last year. But it turns out it was implied over done. So for contemplation for the new year. Here's my take on the new resolution to rodeo over, this next year and all. As half a decade has just gone by...
No doubt, in the spirit of the previous last year. I'd have done a ditty musical theme. But there's been a lot of good indies, and a lot of mess. So here's the track I'd pick out of every other little nail. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wn9E5i7l-Eg
So, that said. I'll get to the key points before I cover the theme I'll Wham over for next year.
-The Victories-
In broadscopes, it's just getting commissions in the first place. That's been something that's always drove me... [ Continued ... ]
So, November of the month is (about to be) over, as with my 'break' from opened commissioned work.
And with that out of the way. I got a discount and caveat to mention for Christmas.
Normally, I'd lower my rate for Christmas, sale and all. But given how I failed to beat NaNoWriMo with my current writing skill as is (even by compromised standards)...
I'm lowering my rate to £1 per 100 words. At least until such times I can be confident in my writing pace again, on top of quality.
... Long story short. Bruh, on worldwide news and all.
And though I'd normally not like to get involved with politics at all. (As I feel it winds down to 'bullet' politics ultimately.) Given well, the hearsay of election plans and all...
If, 2025 "Project" conspiracy and talks ends up going real, with pornographic content being banned harder in the US. That will mean I'll have to in due faith, purge and hiatus on writing indefinitely, out of spite.
Would ramble more, but this probably means 'archive your favorite writing and art' here while you can, sort of vibe. As I am, keeping in mind the possibility of having to wipe my gallery out, indefinitely over the news.
And with that, last minute Halloween Preparations!
Good thing I had ONE, overdue promise dealt with on the backlog. So once that's polished, that gives me time for 'maybe', one Halloween Special or so on top, before I go into full NaNoWriMo mode.
But long story short. Unless you inquire me for certain (or was in contact with you beforehand), my commission and trade slots are sealed until end of november.
Just to give myself some time to deal with the backlogs in my radar, and prepare for a NaNoWriMo grade project. ;)
If I haven't uploaded or mirrored some stories or past commissions I made here, it was because I was focusing hard on finishing some earlier promises, trades and such.
But now that that is nearing it's end. I'll be wrapping up my current impending/overdue backlogs, then focus on uploading and/or mirroring the commissioned art (and stories) I've paid for.
That said, if anyone else want's to hire me for a commission or otherwise; now would be a good time. As I will be radio silent/AFK during November. Under a planned writing project by then and all...
Only thing was, it ended up being a bit more esoteric. Still, feel it should surely, be more popular than that one "DEATH" story of mine, in the RPG Pals setting.