Anonymous1: Zimmerman is the most proficient artist of rule34 to ever live. Whether or not you like his work, you can't deny his passion for it. Nice to have you still around Zim, keep up the good work.
Urbane_Guerrilla: He's good at that one thing -- One Body! One Face! One Zimmer! -- [selfslap] and per his site, he chunks 'em out, for sale, at a cyclic rate of five or ten a day, possibly in varying degrees of completion. For the sort of people who like this sort of thing, this is the sort of thing they like.
But King-Cheetah's uploads will teach you more about making cartoon sexy for your ownself. He posts working drawings, giving you an idea how to do layout, proportion, and making sure the eyes are looking at the same place.
Anonymous6: "jesica the red nippled human, had very shiny tits, and if you ever saw them, you would even say the glowed, all of the other...." you get the pic
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But King-Cheetah's uploads will teach you more about making cartoon sexy for your ownself. He posts working drawings, giving you an idea how to do layout, proportion, and making sure the eyes are looking at the same place.