ExitGift: I've seen people claiming Avery's a dude, but aside from Mike Z passively mentioning it in one video(which I'm taking with a grain of salt), I really haven't heard any concrete reason for it.
ExitGift: @Anonymous3: Well here's the thing: a peacock is a male bird. Specifically, it's the male of the peafowl species. Essentially, Peacock's name is like calling her "Rooster".
I think it just sorta adds on to their golden age cartoon motif, since a cartoon made back then would probably have a female peacock because of the appearance and how the unique tail overshadows the rest of the species. Also, you could factor in that Peacock herself doesn't know this.
Anonymous4: So peacock is a female person wrongly named peacock mainly because peafowl sounds unpleasant but avery is an actual peacock but is a female because his name is not peacock and holy fuck my head
ExitGift: @Anonymous4: Yeah, not very well-worded. The point I'm trying to make is that "peacock" is just much more recognizable, to the point most people think it's the species name.
Avery does have a tail, yes. But it doesn't ever fold out into the full peacock train...And Peacock's Argus System DOES. But there's an entire trope about girls displaying that trait...
Basically, the only way I'm going to accept that Avery is a guy is if somebody gets Alex Ahad to say so. I'm actually not sure if Avery has always been sentient or if they're sentient as a result of Peacock's abilities, and that could theoretically influence it a lot.
Think about it! In Peacock's ending, you see a tattered piece of Vice Versa (Cerebella's hat for people who have no clue), she was probably murdered in that ending.
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I think it just sorta adds on to their golden age cartoon motif, since a cartoon made back then would probably have a female peacock because of the appearance and how the unique tail overshadows the rest of the species. Also, you could factor in that Peacock herself doesn't know this.
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Avery does have a tail, yes. But it doesn't ever fold out into the full peacock train...And Peacock's Argus System DOES. But there's an entire trope about girls displaying that trait...
Basically, the only way I'm going to accept that Avery is a guy is if somebody gets Alex Ahad to say so. I'm actually not sure if Avery has always been sentient or if they're sentient as a result of Peacock's abilities, and that could theoretically influence it a lot.
Raping your victims before killing them.
Think about it! In Peacock's ending, you see a tattered piece of Vice Versa (Cerebella's hat for people who have no clue), she was probably murdered in that ending.