Anonymous11: Why Doug? Carly had a gun! When choosing who to save in a zombie apocalypse, a gun seems pretty useful, now you have one less gun. Look, it's RIGHT THERE!
Anonymous17: @Anonymous: The only people who actually saved him were the fags who replayed the game, doing the exact opposite of everything they did the first time.
dinobob: I saved Doug because he was being grabbed by multiple zombies and didn't save Carley because 1 zombie was grabbing her ankle and it wasn't clear that she didn't have any ammo.
Also, you don't need to be smart to know about Batteries, even somebody who has lived in the woods their whole life has the basic cognative reasoning to deduce the function of mechanical objects
Anonymous27: Doug was cool. He was smart and useful. Plus he actually needed help in that scene. One of the Zs barely had Carley's foot, she could have escaped easily if she wasn't dumb as bricks. Then again, she didn't even know how to use batteries, so I guess that says enough.
Anonymous29: @Anonymous: I actually replayed the game and still didn't save Doug the second time either. Carly always went for headshots and was amusing. Also girlboobs, even if Doug's were the same size.
Anonymous31: BEN FTW! In the game, he may end up being a total DICK but he was still cool. I always thought of him like Shaggy XD. :P To settle this Carly/Doug Dispute, Carly can shoot, yeah, but so can EVERYONE ELSE. Doug however, is the only person who can not LOOK LIKE A FUCKING RETARD WHEN IT COMES TO TECH. He even makes cool-ass traps. Beat that.
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Anon 9
Anon 10
Doug's voice actor
Doug's voice actor's mother
Those who saved Doug trusted their brain instead of their dick.
oh wait 0.0
Doug ends up being pretty resourceful without a gun too.
Both decisions have pros to them. But yeah, zombie gangbang > everything.
Also, you don't need to be smart to know about Batteries, even somebody who has lived in the woods their whole life has the basic cognative reasoning to deduce the function of mechanical objects
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I would rather Rule 34 of him than Carley. Not because I'm gay, just because Doug is the balls.
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