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UploaderSodomius, avatar
TagsBluto, MothXXX, Olive_Oyl, Popeye, Popeye_the_Sailorman, Sweet_Pea, Wimpy, featured_image
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Zvantastika: LOL the salami in his pants
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Gloop: lol why is bulto black
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Seriously guys. Have a laff.
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Filthy_Frank: Oh I had a laugh, and a JACK~!
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betterthannothing: I'm not surprised at the ending.
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Anonymous1: Which reminds me, WTF Robert Altman?
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Filthy_Frank: Sex
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Anonymous2: Olive Oyl is the ugliest bitch to set foot in a cartoon. Period.
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Decanter: @Franky_Whiskey: So what you're saying is that this feature is an obituary for your patience?
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samuraiidiot: Who's the most remarkable, extra ordinary fellowwww? WHO?! SINBAD THE SAILORRRRRR!
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Anonymous3: @Rastifan: that was the entire point of making her unattractive...HUMOUR.
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Anonymous4(2): @Anonymous: I mean in the original comics as well. She was horrendous. She was an attention craving slut even then.
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Rat: Who died tho?
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Freezer: @Anonymous: Ugly and (in the newspaper comics) psycho.
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Farfegnugen: Wimpy going to die from all those cheeseburgers. RIP Wimpy.
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Richardthedragon: @Franky_Whiskey: Something died, probably artistic judgment.
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Scatavaganza: @Rastifan: Still, I would hit her.
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Anonymous5: The original Twilight Saga
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DieInAFire: this the best shit ever lmaoooo
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Agent__34: what the

i dont

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Anonymous6: Awesome, I can't stop laughing
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Decanter: @Franky_Whiskey: The site died tho. Earlier today. Because of the flood of PewDiePie fans visiting us. Also tag suggestions are down for the time being; sorry about that.
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Ad0lf_Hitler: This is pretty much how every episode of Popeye plays out.
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AnonV3: @Decanter" WHELP welcome to post puberty PewDiePie fans, this is where your childhood goes to die and your balls finally descend.
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Franky_Whiskey: @Decanter: Wait, what does this swedish fish attractive and successful African's fans have to come here for?
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Franky_Whiskey: Never mind, Rat put me up to speed.

Brace for the newfaggotry vaporwave.
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MinecraftIsBaee: i want too kill myself after seeing her face and this image
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Anonymous7: Seems like PewDiePie, king of YouTube blessed this site, increased visitors from 4000 to 7500 at one point, but for how long.
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Anonymous8: What was Tempurpedic Ikea meatballs doing here? Doesnmt he have stuffed animals to be scared of or something?
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Anonymous9: @Anonymous: PewDiePie said he's on a journey to madness. It seems to me like memes are becoming mainstream. You know how it is with most people, they need somebody to guide them, it's not like they going to explore anything non-normalfag on their own, unless an human meme sets their mindset. Praise kek.
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appealus: Did the screeching retard mention Paheal or something?
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delagare: he read the rules of the internet and went here and started searching himself and other things, i would assume /b/ has had similar traffic, but that would go unnoticed i suppose.
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Farfegnugen: Welcome back Popeye. RIP Wimpy
@Franky_Whiskey: Because it's funny! LAUGH YOU MAGGOT, LAUGH! "No Rule 34 for butts, well, I'll make my own and upload it. Børk! Børk! Bøørk!" I SHIT YOU NOT, someone did upload that fucking doodle he did of a Rule 34.
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HicksDuck: Pewdiepie fans must be somehow even younger than I thought if they're only just now learning of the concept of Rule 34.
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losslessGuide: featured again... lol
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KaGeTaMi: Ah-ga-ga-ga-ga-ga-guzzle that seaman's semen, wench!
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beeto45: where did the salamigo?
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l0rd0ct0d0rk: I have one question. How did her panties go from black in the first panel, to purple in the ones after?
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rpgramen: God-fucking-damnit, Whimpy. See a shrink about that burger addiction, man.
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Anonymous10: This is a good feature
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ColdFusion: didnt this just get featured a little while ago?
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Anonymous11: @Rastifan
Really? That'sa pretty bold statement, I find that very hard to believe. Hello, sea hag? what female characters in the Popeyeverse do you find more attractive?
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Anonymous12: You know Olive was a total slut, don't you!? And, considering her two known regular "suitors", I'd say they're the ones who lucked out! She not bad looking, just skinnier than most women even WANT to get, and, she does it without showing bones! And, I'll bet she takes it up the ass, and, sucks cocks so well, most men faint! Now Betty Boop, hot looking, AND, a flirt, she was a tease, but, eventually, she'd put out too!
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Anonymous13: @Gloop: he always acted like an attractive and successful African
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Anonymous14(13): Fuck, this site is cucked too, now? One can't say N|GG3R, now?!?!?!?!?!?!? FUCK THIS SHIT
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Anonymous15(13): Whoever thought of that shit is the N1GGERish attractive and successful African in N1GGERland. Fuck that N1GGERed attractive and successful African with a attractive and successful African rake. attractive and successful African attractive and successful African attractive and successful African FUCK YOU, attractive and successful African ADMINS!
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CaptainBoomer: @Anonymous: #triggered.
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vestiphobic: These are the best Bluto-Popeye renderings ever. I still hope for a extended version, scene #4 showing how the two adversaries tear each others clothes off and fight themselves into each other's love pipes.
And in the background Olive running back to her mother screeching.
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imgfapr: The artist is "Ben Newman," not MothXXX. The guy posted stuff on for years.
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imgfapr: @imgfapr: Ah, shit. Nevermind. This is another guy.

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