tom641: I've heard it was one of two .gif requests on a drawthread somewhere. There probably isn't an actual flash to go with it, or if there is it's probably just like that mandy and irwin flash.
Anonymous7: I do honestly find it a bit shit that he genderswapped Star. (not to mention made him hyper)
I mean, do minus actually have something against females? As all they're ever allowed to do is get abused and/or exploited with no focus put to them. Always genderswapped if put into a dominant or pleasure receiving position.
Granted, it was possibly implied that the girl got off in that recent-ish riding animation, but knowing them, that probably was the male... heck, that goes for the entire fandom.
Either case, it is still a really neat animation. Could really have done without the forced genderswap+hyper though. Really smooth otherwise.
tom641: @Anonymous: I'm pretty sure it's just girl star with a dick. She has magic after all, and if you want to do something you'd do with a strap-on why not just make it a magical dick instead?
Anonymous16: @anonymous7
First of all, it's futanari, not genderswap.
Women are not always "abused and exploited" especially not in Minus8's work. Being the one doing less work is NOT being "abused", and even though you'll call me sexist for this, women ARE most commonly the submissive in the relationship. I have nothing against dom females, but it statistically less common.
No focus to the females? Are you kidding me? 90% of his animations are a female with offscreen males. Bitch do you not understand what sex is like? Vaginas can feel pleasure too. Just because you're penetrating does not mean you're the only one receiving pleasure wtf.
I want you to do something for me. Go to google images and look up "hyper porn". Yeah. This isn't hyper. I've SEEN penises that big. Oh and one more thing, every female I've ever been close friends with has told me they love futanari porn so... I don't really think it's sexist. If you did the reverse with a male, nobody would call it "sexist towards men".
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I mean, do minus actually have something against females? As all they're ever allowed to do is get abused and/or exploited with no focus put to them. Always genderswapped if put into a dominant or pleasure receiving position.
Granted, it was possibly implied that the girl got off in that recent-ish riding animation, but knowing them, that probably was the male... heck, that goes for the entire fandom.
Either case, it is still a really neat animation. Could really have done without the forced genderswap+hyper though. Really smooth otherwise.
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Traps trump all.
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First of all, it's futanari, not genderswap.
Women are not always "abused and exploited" especially not in Minus8's work. Being the one doing less work is NOT being "abused", and even though you'll call me sexist for this, women ARE most commonly the submissive in the relationship. I have nothing against dom females, but it statistically less common.
No focus to the females? Are you kidding me? 90% of his animations are a female with offscreen males. Bitch do you not understand what sex is like? Vaginas can feel pleasure too. Just because you're penetrating does not mean you're the only one receiving pleasure wtf.
I want you to do something for me. Go to google images and look up "hyper porn". Yeah. This isn't hyper. I've SEEN penises that big. Oh and one more thing, every female I've ever been close friends with has told me they love futanari porn so... I don't really think it's sexist. If you did the reverse with a male, nobody would call it "sexist towards men".