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Uploaderdeathstriker, avatar
TagsJoust, Ostrich, featured_image, iSatan
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Info782x1100 // 937KB // png
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deathstriker: From the 82' videogame if anyone wonders.
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SONIC_FRIEZA: For shame!
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Anonymous1: OMG WOW> Joust pron. My life is complete.
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Anonymous2: What.the.fuuuuck......
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Anonymous3: I wanna fuck her.
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Decanter: Featured in honor of a much-anticipated gaming event.

We refer, of course, not to the release of Red Dead Redemption, but to the announcement of the new Intellivision Amico console, featuring exclusive remakes of Atari and iMagic games. (But only the kid-friendly ones, parents!)

It's gonna flop so hard lol
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MegaTacoVan: At Decanter: Not with proper advertisements on the likes of Nick, CN & Disney XD, if they only bother with places like Atari Age of couse it will bomb, aim it at Gaf/Reset Era and things will be worse but aim it on proper kids markets/parents (hey moms & dads, sick of your kid(s) playing Fortnite and worrying about internet creeps and can't afford the Switch and it's games? Well we got the system for you) and it will be a smash hit.

That is unless Nintendo drops the price of the Switch to $200 as a response to the Amico (and that the parts became cheaper) and starts doing Nintendo Selects for the Switch (game cards are also getting cheaper to make) then the Amico will be a flop.
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NicePeter: Interesting console. Not sure how successful will it get, but who knows?
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MegaTacoVan: @NicePeter: As long as they aim it at kids/parents (want to move your kid away from gatcha games for cheap and avoid creeps, buy them this) and air ads on Nick, CN & DXD will be a monster sizes hit.

Aim it at Atari Age's market and the basement dwellers from Gaf/Reset Era and the like and it will bomb.
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NicePeter: @MegaTacoVan: Interesting reasoning.
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kickintheface: I still can't believe there's Joust porn. Where's that Defender smut? Bah, at least Sinistar's got a showing here.
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CaptainBoomer: @MegaTacoVan: You are insane. Children today would be as interested in old school Atari games as they are in radio dramas and fucking phenakisticopes.
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Katerina_Angela: Oh god...

What was in those drugs...
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Anonymous4: Missed opportunity for a Mr.Hands parody featuring Red Dead or something along those lines.
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Decanter: @Anonymous: You volunteering to draw for us, anon?
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Anonymous5: This is the least weird thing to ever make it to featured, I'm sure.
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Rat: nice one
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Anonymous6: I mean yeah, but, why?
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Anonymous7: @Decanter:You had to link to ResetERA. Worst fucking people in the net. violent people who hate accepting other peoples opinions.
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Hentailicker93: that's an amusing feature pic. :D
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Dagg: I'm in love with an ostrich... *guitar riff*
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Dark_Vanguard: ..........
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Anonymous8: I always get emus and ostriches mixed
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Decanter: @Anonymous: Dunno anything about them except that they had clear, concise bullet points of known info where other sites had rambling articles full of hearsay.
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Anonymous9: Here's an example of their shit
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Anonymous11: You would think with the popularity of Ready Player One (the novel mostly) there would be more people who recognize the old school, 8 bit game called Joust. Minor spoiler for the book, but the arcade game of Joust was one of the challenges. Two knights on giant birds who try to land on each other or the enemy bird-knights to win. I'm disappointed in you guys.
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Anonymous12: Wow, something not disturbing and actually erotic got featured
Congrats, staff
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Anonymous13: @Anonymous: Exactly. It has been so long... This is a Miracle !
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Anonymous14: Don't know what is happening here but i saw a pussy and some nice TITS so i just instantly clicked and now i am here
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Anonymous15: These featured images are getting shittier everytime.
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Anonymous16: @Dagg Daydreaming, head in the sand. Daydreaming, gee but it's grand!
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betterthannothing: @Anonymous: "wtf joust porn getting featured in 2018" fixed
also "It's gonna flop so hard lol"
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LittleGhost: Wow an actually good featured pic
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deathstriker: I'd like to thank the academy for featuring one of my uploads!
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Anonymous17: joust...... JOUST?!?!?

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