"I do not think you dickheads get it. THOSE ARE HANDDRAWN WORKS! I don't just spend 30 minutes to photoshop up some lame crap! I invest HOURS into my drawings!!! In fact, that second one took 3 days to do!! I have school and 2 jobs to deal with as well! Do you not think I deserve soem respect for my effort, ESPECIALLY WHEN YOU YOURSELVES HAVE BEEN ASKING FOR ME TO DRAW IT! FUCK OFF!"
jackrabbit: Drama queen is right. To the viewer, the method doesn't matter (hand drawn vs. photoshop). The time doesn't matter. The final product does.
Because someone with no talent could spend countless hours on a picture that looks like crap, and then get shown up by a quick doodle by a talented artist that only took them minutes to draw.
Anonymous22(21): Oh and just to clarify the "ESPECIALLY WHEN YOU YOURSELVES HAVE BEEN ASKING FOR ME TO DRAW IT!" No, wrong. The artist, known as I.M. Weasel was telling everybody that all the rocko pics posted in the specific thread were drawn wrong, and that he could do better.
Everyone said fine, show us. He did and people thought it was okay, but not fantastic. Needless to say, he threw a shit fit.
Casperthy_Frendligost: I see that wall as an accurate depiction of how many privy walls get defaced and graffittied on. I have even seen "glory holes", but I never used them. I do NOT get my rocks off that way.
Anonymous23: Even I have to say something about this guy. Yeah, I'm an amateur artist, and sad as it is for me, Cat Bountry's post strikes deep. Thank you, Cat. It IS depressing to know that whatever work I can come up with, no matter how hard I work on it, it will always be shown up by someone better. But still, I draw and doodle because I enjoy it. But THIS guy..! Man, he has issues.
Kumquat: I think he drew it pretty well. His lines are just really sloppy. He should've drawn the lineart and went over it in Photoshop and then colored it. He still would've had credit for drawing the original lineart and making it look more decent.
What's bothering me is, why take your groceries into a filthy restroom like that?
Anonymous24: I believe that all Anons and dudes here are divided between emotions in here...and so im I. The drawing is really fucking damn great (actually,one of the best ones here at Rule34,and that's something),and the coloring is awesome. Photoshop would lok smooth,but depicting a really disturbing scene from a 90's restroom with smooth colors? it just doesnt cut it.
What really bothers me, is the message and all that disturbing shit writing on the walls. I don't know if he has issues or only has a kick of it,bur dammit,I going to have a pretty rough time to sleep tonight.
Overall,is an awesome draw with a really fucked up message. Pretty much a 34win for me.
Eater_of_Sandviches: I can't really believe that people are taking the shit written on the wall so literally. It's porn, it's not meant to be understood, just fapped too. I highly doubt it's supposed to be some cryptic representation of the artist's personal issues.
IMO, the writings only make it better, giving it a more "realistic" appeal to it. After all, what well used public bathroom isn't going to have shit written all over it?
To anyone who takes rule 34 images literally: EAT SHIT AND DIE FAGGOT :)
Anonymous27: Whose cock is that supposed to be, anyway?
I can see two sets of feet, and the ones that look like a wolf's feet are too far over for it to be their cock. What is more disturbing is the fact that the feet underneath the glory hole look like they belong to a purple dinosaur or some shit.
I apologise if I don't recognise characters' feet, from Rocko's Modern Life or otherwise, but I haven't watched the show in years...
I have 2 jobs to deal with....
I have 2 jobs to deal with....
I have 2 jobs to deal with....
I have 2 jobs to deal with....
YoureDoingItWorng: @Anonymous: What's wrong with school?
Not sure what to say about this...this is pretty elaborated for a handdrawn draw,not sure what looks sloppier,if the lineart or the color
What I liked are the wall messages,pretty realistic
Evil-Hammond-666: the killer awoke before dawn he put his boots on you took your face from the ancient gallery and he walked on down the hall. he paid a visit to his brother and he fucked him up the ass with mayonnaisethen he paid a visit to his sister and fucked up the pussy and he walked on down down the hall, he came into a door and he looked inside he said hey father yes son I want to kill you mom I want to FUCK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FUCK YOU ALL NIGHT LONG, FUCK YOU TO THE BREAK OF DAWN!!!!!
Anonymous45: i think this is a seminol piece of gay culture. most homosexuals i know personally know the phrase eat shit and die faggot from this image.
He's not even in a stall!
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"I do not think you dickheads get it. THOSE ARE HANDDRAWN WORKS! I don't just spend 30 minutes to photoshop up some lame crap! I invest HOURS into my drawings!!! In fact, that second one took 3 days to do!! I have school and 2 jobs to deal with as well! Do you not think I deserve soem respect for my effort, ESPECIALLY WHEN YOU YOURSELVES HAVE BEEN ASKING FOR ME TO DRAW IT! FUCK OFF!"
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Because someone with no talent could spend countless hours on a picture that looks like crap, and then get shown up by a quick doodle by a talented artist that only took them minutes to draw.
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But i like this pic. I mean, it looks awesome for a drawing that was colored with cheap, crappy pencils
Everyone said fine, show us. He did and people thought it was okay, but not fantastic. Needless to say, he threw a shit fit.
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What's bothering me is, why take your groceries into a filthy restroom like that?
What really bothers me, is the message and all that disturbing shit writing on the walls. I don't know if he has issues or only has a kick of it,bur dammit,I going to have a pretty rough time to sleep tonight.
Overall,is an awesome draw with a really fucked up message. Pretty much a 34win for me.
IMO, the writings only make it better, giving it a more "realistic" appeal to it. After all, what well used public bathroom isn't going to have shit written all over it?
To anyone who takes rule 34 images literally: EAT SHIT AND DIE FAGGOT :)
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I can see two sets of feet, and the ones that look like a wolf's feet are too far over for it to be their cock. What is more disturbing is the fact that the feet underneath the glory hole look like they belong to a purple dinosaur or some shit.
I apologise if I don't recognise characters' feet, from Rocko's Modern Life or otherwise, but I haven't watched the show in years...
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I have 2 jobs to deal with....
I have 2 jobs to deal with....
I have 2 jobs to deal with....
I have 2 jobs to deal with....
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Shouts to my bogan Freako, as well.Light up the barby and bring up the Foster's, m8!
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Not sure what to say about this...this is pretty elaborated for a handdrawn draw,not sure what looks sloppier,if the lineart or the color
What I liked are the wall messages,pretty realistic
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I'd bet the soul of every anon they're underage.
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I tried.
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Spunky has (18)
This ruined my life.
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I wonder how long after being a phone sex operator this happened. It's a downward corrupting spiral.
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