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TagsCountryLove, Mexico, USA, featured_image, meme
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nibep: y el muro ? :v
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Enjoy some Budweisser and tamales, or Carta Blanca and burgers, whatever you fuckers. VIVA PAHEAL!
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Anonymous1: VIVA MEXICO fucking grigos
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Franky_Whiskey: @Anonymous:
user image
top kek
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deathstriker: I approves.
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Knight-King-Immortal: Ai ai ai caramba! :v
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Rat: @Franky_Whiskey: Muy bueno.
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Anonymous2: Hey wetbacks, you want to fuck America's hot Box? You gotta pay for the WALL to get through! Happy cinco de fuckass.
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Farfegnugen: @Franky_Whiskey: Trump Tower's Taco Bowl?
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Anonymous3: putos negros color caca
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Anonymous4: There's a hundred of this posted, and they're all just palette-swapped versions of the same template.
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Anonymous5: @Franky_Whiskey: Yiff in hell furfag
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Shota3D: ^ LOL
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Franky_Whiskey: @Anonymous: Go choke on a big negro dick, newfag.
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Anonymous6: Que insultas anonymous boludo
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Anonymous7: puro pinche racista aqui,me dan asco gente, y que insultan sudacas apestosos fuera de mi pais regresen a la bestia >:v
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jubilation_t_cornpone: On the off chance that anyone noticed I haven't been on the site lately, spent most of April in the hospital. Cardiac triple bypass.
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Anonymous8(4): @jubilation_t_cornpone
I had an octuple cardiac bypass. Top trumps, dickbag
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Farfegnugen: @jubilation_t_cornpone: You know, on this site, there's enough pictures that show alternatives ways of fixing it.

Good to see you back.
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Anonymous9: Anonymous34... You made me laugh! Everyone here is Mexican. Don't they know all Mexican food has some jism in it? Everyone has Mexican genetics swimming around in their stomachs or their mothers! Hahaha! Marco Diaz approves this message!
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Franky_Whiskey: @jubilation_t_cornpone: Hope you get better bro. Mind the cheezburgers lol.
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10tons: user image
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jubilation_t_cornpone: @Anonymous: My roommate in therapy had a quintuple and he was in worse condition. On the other hand, the dispshit would turn on the TV and then go to sleep, leaving it on all night. Plus loud snoring. So fuck him.

I'll go with mine, thanks.
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RocketDog: anons are the ones that voted for this fucktard??? Yeah . . . that makes sense. When we're dead, I'll hopefully be upstairs pitying Trump and all the anons that killed us all. I just am praying (but not literally natch) that some assassin FINALLY gets it right and kidnaps and tortures Trump and Pence, then kills them on national television. They're not worthy of life.
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jubilation_t_cornpone: @Franky_Whiskey: I've learned the error of my ways. On the other hand, it took me 67 years of fast food to get here. It all been cleaned out and I wouldn't live long enough to get into that state again.

But yeah, you guys oughta watch that shit. I can guarantee that the past few weeks weren't much fun.
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RocketDog: Oh, and hot picture!:D
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Anonymous10: VIVA MÉXICO CABRONES!!!!!!!!!
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Anonymous11: Nakakatawa ang mga tao dito talaga lol.
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Anonymous13: fucking wall fuckednand pendejo who vote for fucking donald trump idiots gringos VIVA MEXICO bitches
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Anonymous14: #HailLH
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Anonymous15: America!
Comin' again to grope a motherfucking
Tit, yeah!
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Anonymous16: @10tons: user image
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Anonymous17: Why not Putin blowing Trump, as per Stephen Colbert's savage joke recently?
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Anonymous18: shouldn't that American chick be fat and missing a leg
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Anonymous19: Moderkaise es numero uno HUE HUE HUE HUE
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Anonymous20: Y España :'v?
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anizem: @Anonymous: what joke?
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Farfegnugen: @Anonymous: Shouldn't that Mexican chick be fat and missing a leg? Stereotypes work both ways, they got a bunch of fatties down there too.
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Katerina_Angela: Here we've got racist Amercans, racist Mexicans, defenders of non-racist people, trump jokes, and SJWs, but no one here thinks about the real problem.
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Katerina_Angela: Does anybody here really knows what do we celebrate in 5 de mayo?!
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Anonymous21: Shouldnt that white chick be skinny as fuck or obese as fuck
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Anonymous22: The real issue is no one is discussing the JQ?
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Katerina_Angela: see?
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Katerina_Angela: It's the battle of Puebla. I'm outta here.
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Franky_Whiskey: @El_K: We already know that. I even featured an image while commenting a semi-accurate account of how the whole battle went down.

Get down from your high burro and enjoy the tequila.
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Anonymous23: Grab em' by the pussy.
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ElGranTioFelixSan: Ahhh joder amigo todo aqui se fue a la mierda
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Katerina_Angela: En primer lugar: soy mujer
En segundo lugar: lo siento si llegue a ofender a alguien, vivo rodeada de ignorantes y estoy acostumbrada a oír idioteces.
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Anonymous24: @RocketDog: Trump was voted into office because the DNC was in collusion with the Clinton Campaign and the main stream news media. Coupled that with a terrible candidate who didn't even campaign in typical Democratic states like Wisconsin, you had the "perfect" storm. Also, don't blame anyone for Trump's victory, other than all the Democrats who crossed over to vote for Trump, who were still pissed off for the Democratic Primaries being rigged.
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Anonymous25: Trump Walls.
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Anonymous26: "Che" Mexicano y ¿tu cuantos muros has saltado wey? seguro que eres un gringo endivioso.
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Anonymous27: Blah
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Anonymous28(27): See, if we could all get along, we would be doing stuff like this.
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Anonymous29: @allanons Can you shut your fucking liberal mouths you useless fucking humans. Ripping everything off and doing the exact same generic bullshit over and over again.
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Anonymous30: Why do the comments have to be cancer? Can't we all just enjoy the image?
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Anonymous31: @Anonymous: More shit from the shit manufacturers - and this feller enjoying the gay/lesbian/antifa shit they push
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Anonymous32(31): @RocketDog: Yeah - cowardly turds like you gather in your dozens to attack anyone who dared to vote as YOU didn't want - then wail for p[olice if they dare to defend themselves. You worthless cowardly arsewipes are even lower than anyone could possibly have believed
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FurryFun: Oh great, who died now?
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Anonymous33: @FurryFun: Quality products at discount prices.
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Anonymous34: I'd prefer Miss Mexico over Aunt Sam over here...
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Anonymous35: America is not fat enough wtf
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Anonymous36: fucking amerivans why vote for fucking donald trump americans racists
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Anonymous37(36): fucking americans why vote for fucking donald trump americans racists
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Anonymous38(36): VIVA MEXICO Assholes
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Anonymous39: trump is lump
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Anonymous40: Why did I scroll down to read all of this?
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Anonymous41: I love you but I feel like your building a wall between us....
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Anonymous42: Why is this featured? Quality sucks and only one of them is nude.
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Anonymous43: americans are fucking racist
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Puffball: @Anonymous: If this site had a feature to upvote comments I would do it to this one. Oh man, that cracked me up!
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TheBigMansini: I'm old enough to understand American politics and what's all this?

Ah business as usual... Carry on. And may the flying spaghetti monster not have mercy on a single one of us.
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Anonymous44: Latinos of my kin criticizes The US for voting for Donald Trump. And I criticize my fellow latinos because most of the time they ARE like Donald Trump: racists, lame ass nationalists, always thinking they're the great shit when they aren't. I ain't saying fuck latinos. I'm saying: fuck everyone. Fuck Mexico. Fuck the US. Every nation and its people, even mine, can die. I don't truly care.
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Rule_34_XXX: They look cute
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Anonymous45: these comments are cancer
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Anonymous46: Taco taco taco taco taco taco
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Anonymous47: Puta madre, este cuadro de comentarios esta lleno de momos y spam de mierda :u

Goddamn, i talk more english than spanish, but i live in mexico, so wtf is my life?
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jubilation_t_cornpone: lol, if you look at the countrylove tag, it's basically this same picture replicated for two pages.
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Anonymous48: dicks
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Anonymous49: >USA

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WillRobie: They have to go back.
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Anonymous50: Americans are white though
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Anonymous52: >Country Love Tag
>Mexicans vs Americans
>Porn image

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Anonymous53: Canada is below the frame, receiving a golden shower.
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Anonymous54: Jeff
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Anonymous55: Here in mexico we dont really... celebrate 5 de mayo, we celebrate more 15 of september.
But thanks for the support mis pinches gringos, peace and love amigos. keep the memes up´.
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Captainlesbo: asi los tienen los gringos a los mejichangos y se creen dioses :v
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Anonymous56: GERMANY VS TRUMP 2017.
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Anonymous57: @Anonymous: my nama chef
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Franky_Whiskey: @Captainlesbo:
user image

Those who live in glass houses...
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heartstrings: they're both adorable and sexy!! i love the art style
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takemeunder: Mexicans are so ugly and dumb -.-
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Anonymous58: But who died though
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Shota3D: The racism in the comments section indeed cancerous.
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Anonymous59: But why isnt america nude too?
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jubilation_t_cornpone: @Shota3D: You make that sound like something new.
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Shota3D: ^ And you're probably right too(No really. I mean it).
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Anonymous60: Now im pissed off... im mexican and im not black :(
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Farfegnugen: @Shota3D: You should see the comment section of any image with a black dick. Like fly paper.
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Shota3D: ^ Oh yes. Seems like the black dick hate had become a trend in r34
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Decanter: @Farfegnugen @Shota3D: Well, it might have something to do with the shitty race edits.
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Anonymous61: Nah. It's that 90% of the haters here have two-inchers when hard.
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10tons: @Anonymous: "they hate black dicks, they must be jealous!"
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Anonymous62: Love solves all human problems, lets all start making love :)
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Anonymous63: People,u having a conversation of racism and trump (and probably other shit, didnt read the whole thing) IN A FUCKING PORN SITE. Of porn cant make u stop arguing the nothing will.
Stop being fucking keyboard warrios in here...
Its just sad.
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Americans still have a lil penis tho
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Anonymous65: pero USA deberia see gorda
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Franky_Whiskey: Measuring one's worth as a man based on penis size sounds pretty gay to me. And that's how the romans did it. And the Romans were extremely gay.

Lasses only truly care for one kind of girth anyways: your wallet's.
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golden444: lol
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Anonymous66: All the continent of America is a fueling bandana even USA is 3 world country. The future is Asia sorry fellas that's the true
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Farfegnugen: @Anonymous: ... What's a keyboard Wario? Is that a keyboard that eats garlic and farts? Sounds like you got that because your whole comment was a fart.
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Shota3D: @Decanter: @Decanter: "Shitty Race edit" LOL, really?
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Anonymous67: attractive and successful African Faggot
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Shota3D: Who?
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Anonymous68: Muh six Gorillion

Never forget the lampshades
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Anonymous69: Y american curvier
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Farfegnugen: @Anonymous: You should like the very passionate man that changed all the Samurai Jack's Ashi images tags over the weekend.
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Anonymous70: Viva la Mexhico, land of drugs and cartels; where getting your head chopped off is a common occurrence.
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Anonymous71: Wow :O
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Anonymous72: My name is jeff
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Anonymous73: this is fake news
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10tons: @Anonymous: spoken like a true retard.
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Anonymous74: Anon2 is best anon
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Franky_Whiskey: @Farfegnugen: He probably mispelled "Varrios" from Varrios los Aztecas, you know, the shitty gang from GTA San Andreas and GTA V.

user image
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Anonymous75: @Anonymous: Eat a dick ching chong chang
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Anonymous76(75): I like this pic :D
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Farfegnugen: @Franky_Whiskey: *LOL* I don't think I can play San Andreas again. Spent way too many hours playing that.
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Anonymous77: @Anonymous: Mirate men No te da asco seguir viviendo? Das asco, no sé cómo le haces para levantarte por las mañanas y no vomitar al verte al espejo, eres una basada humana, eres la vergüenza de tus padres, te hubieras quedado en los huevos de tu padre en lugar de salir al mundo y convertirte en la bazofia de persona que eres, no sé cómo matan a 50 gays en vez de matarte a ti, que eres una basada, una cagada humana, lo peor que le ah pasado :v a tu país, a tu continente, a la tierra, eres lo peor que le ah sucedido al sistema solar, lo más mierdas de la vía láctea, eres la cosa más asquerosa del universo, ni Mario Bautista se compara con tu pendejez, al Chile si fuera tú ya me hubiera tirado de un quinto piso, me hubiera metido una 9 milímetros por el culo y hubiera disparado hasta causarme la muerte, porque eres una basada, una mierda humana, eres el homunculo fallido de Mario Bautista y de Juan Pablo jotomillo, eres una basada, maldigo el día en el que tus padres decidieron tener sexo para que naciera una mierda como tú Suicidate, ahorcate, disparate, tomate pastillas de mercurio y deja de existir blasfemia humana PUTO!

Notice how USA chan is in love with Mexico chan :^)
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Franky_Whiskey: @Anonymous: No alimentes al troll.
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betterthannothing: why is this getting featured now of all times
was there a significant export of mexicans by trump recently?
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Anonymous78(33): user image
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Farfegnugen: @cocksdicksfags: Not going to blame you for not knowing but Cinco de Mayo.
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Anonymous79: Mexicans sucks this is why trump builds a wall as he say
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Anonymous80: Wow American Plastic titties
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Anonymous81: Fuck off ye old faggots
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Anonymous82(18): @Farfegnugen: well no it doesn't work both ways Mexicans take jobs that you don't want to do because your too lazy you coach potato
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Backspace: damn I can barely see with all of the cringieness in the comments section
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Anonymous83: a la mejinarca le falta el bigote
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Anonymous84: penyesss
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Anonymous85: @Franky_Whiskey: Furries are a cancer That Must Be Eliminated You are not Animals
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Farfegnugen: @Anonymous: ... I wish I was a lazy couch potato, but that shit way too boring.
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Anonymous86: Mexico looks bored af
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Decanter: @Anonymous: If by that you mean "undercutting the minimum wage", sure.
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Anonymous87(18): @Farfegnugen: but it not boring sitting on your ass arguing with random anon on a porn site
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Urbane_Guerrilla: @RocketDog: This sort of sperge is approved of by a faction I don't approve of, and RocketDog is just that dim that he can't see why.
FYI, O Most Contemptible and Hysteric and Mouth-Foaming (I'm Calmer Than You Are), I voted for Johnson/Weld. But since this Republican is doing the sort of thing I think Johnson would have had do -- reducing the Federal apparatus of the State and its intrusion into yet more aspects of life -- I'm willing to appreciate his doing that. Certainly his direct opponents would not have done it.
@Anonymous: !Jo, buey! Roquí y Bolhuincl, I actually understood that!
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Urbane_Guerrilla: *had to do. Sighhhh.
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Urbane_Guerrilla: @Anonymous: Think of it as knife sharpening in action, Anon88.
@Anonymous: I am up too late. I read that first time as "Furries are a canoe." O help.
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Urbane_Guerrilla: @Shota3D: A lot of that is the cruddy, one skin tone/no highlights nor lowlights skin color job. The ol' boy's busy -- there are at most two of them assiduously making white folks look bad -- to people who don't know many white folks I guess. Doing a lot to put the "ass" in "assiduously." (Love it when that kind of stuff just pops into my head all unplanned, un-noted.)
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Urbane_Guerrilla: Porfirio Díaz: "Poor Mexico, so far from God, so close to the United States.”
(And, saith the 'net, a quote very much favored by the more trollazoid spokesholes of the American Left. Who without naked-eye-visible exception, live and die right here in the United States.)
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Sodomius: Viva Mexicunt!
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Anonymous88: How many comments on one pic?!? Also, holy fuck
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NationalistFur666: Fuck you, Mexicans
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Anonymous89: @Anonymous: what wall? Lmao
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Anonymous90(89): @NationalistFur666: right back at ya, “buckaroo”
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UltimateDestroyer: @NationalistFur666: Shut it uncultured swine.
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Anonymous91: kill yourself greengo fag kek
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Anonymous92: Funny image because americas ended up on the losing jajajaja

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