Anonymous4: @succmelol: You're clearly the same type of moron who thinks that frozen fudge pops look like turds on a stick, and that chocolate pudding looks like diarrhea.
Urbane_Guerrilla: Anons seem to have no more of what makes a life worthy of having lived it than they do names, not so? They are mighty warped in their turn-ons if they think what they post helps with Teh Sexy.
Anonymous8: @Anonymous: What makes you think anyone found this searching up black porn? IT's more likely to find it searching the artist or character. Not that it matters, there's nothing for racists to be mad about because these are always edits anyway, the original is right here:
Anonymous9: I have grown to find it a hoot when a bunch of perverts argues about hating black people on the internet lmao. Didn't we all come here to tap at fantasy cartoon women? Lol wtf. Btw, I am not racist, I have no issues with black people.
P.s. is calling an African successful an insult? I don't get it.
- Reply
P.s. is calling an African successful an insult? I don't get it.