Anonymous5: @Anonymous 4 Oh the irony of your comment. Why would an trash inbreed like you be here on this site? Sounds like you're compensating for what you lack by trying to insult and fool others.
Anonymous7: GO FOREVER BURN IN HELL, YOU INBRED, CAVE DWELLING, RAPING, LITTLE DICK HAVING, PIECE OF SHIT WHITE MALES! Why don't you jealous, angry, racist bastards leave earth and go back to hell already! Your father, satan, miss having you ride his cock!
Anonymous12(7): @Anonymous9: Bitch, stop lying! If you actually knew how to read (which I highly doubt), then you'd know that according to the federal crime statistics, most cases of murder, theft, and rape have been done by white males. Can't call those cowards "men"! LOL But sure, do what you usually do and try to blame others for you being such a fuck up! It's white women's faults, liberals' fault, attractive and successful Africans, spics, and the faults of other "minorities". LOL I'd bet next your brain dead ass or another piece of shit just like you is going to call me a "liberal" next. LOL And I'm not even into your screwed up politics!
Anonymous15: @chickenboo Whites are 74% of the population, so 52% of sexual assault cases is actually low. Meanwhile blacks are 13% of the population and commit 53% of all homicides.
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cucks who dont understand subliminal messaging
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random roll on the internet who doesn't know what cuck means
im sure if we check federal crime statistics we'd find the most common denominator of rape cases are attractive and successful Africans
oh but facts are racist to you liberals
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