Anonymous3: Good work, BSX. Can y’all mofo’s quit begging for freebies! A lot of artists can’t always do requests even if they wanted to, the commissions help them with stuff such as bills/food/other.
lettup: Incredible work, truly. I hate to ask for things like this, but my God, you HAVE to try something with Kefla in her green-haired form. She's a must-have! You already got her regular version down incredibly well, and if you do something with her powered up version, I would be supremely grateful. If you were to do one with her, my life would be complete. I'd love to see your take on her.
You are without a doubt the single greatest DB NSFW artist I've encountered, but I think that you need to have at least one with Kefla in her green-haired form. Just one, that is all I ask. If you could get her down, I would need nothing else, in all honesty. The roster would be complete - crossing her off the list, right? She's a must have! Some Android 21 would be nice, down the road, but if you could get down at least one with green-haired Kefla... Oh man. I'd be quite blown away.
Beggers > 🖕💩
miss piiza/ miss pizza (cell games) x goku, pls
You are without a doubt the single greatest DB NSFW artist I've encountered, but I think that you need to have at least one with Kefla in her green-haired form. Just one, that is all I ask. If you could get her down, I would need nothing else, in all honesty. The roster would be complete - crossing her off the list, right? She's a must have! Some Android 21 would be nice, down the road, but if you could get down at least one with green-haired Kefla... Oh man. I'd be quite blown away.
I really hope you can manage. :D
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