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Anonymous1: Wow
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Anonymous2: Fantastic!
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Anonymous3: fucking awesome!
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Anonymous4: OMG, I noticed Jenny Wakeman's arm in this video in case no one's noticed yet!
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Anonymous5: Did Zone die or something?
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Anonymous6: @Anonymous: no I don't think so they are just thanking Zone for inspirering them
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Anonymous7: someone please help me, my dick won't stay down!
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Anonymous8: These two are gonna go far, I can tell.
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Anonymous9: Continue!!!!
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Anonymous10: this is the true relationship of robin and raven in the teen titan universe raven prefers robin because he went to hell to look for the part of raven that was left of her that was white raven hope during the first part of the end against trigon now I understand why Raven chose this robin for the trigon incident he was better able to face the challenges and traps that trigon put him on the road so that he did not get to where the part of raven that was left was hope and apart that robin It takes a fragment of Raven's soul during the Haunted episode when Robin begins to see and fight an imaginative slade, although this is an alternate reality of the sex zone and hentai universe where Robin and Raven are lovers, this demonstrates the bond of union that both have in this universe and in the original teen titan universe since there they are battle bells nothing more but it shows that they accult something more starfire suspects the secret relationship n that robin and raven have since raven hug robin after trigon was destroyed by raven in the original reejn titan universe the most ironic thing of all that the starfire of this universe saw at all times as the two fornicated and I wait until Robin would run inside Raven and then leave her hiding place and intervene and tell them that she was surprised at what Robin saw and Raven were surprised to see her Robin get up covering her penis with her hand and try to explain what Starfire says this well and in the end he tells robin to fornicate with her that funny aftermath that starfire saw how raven and robin were making love starfire doesn't want to lose against raven and decides to ask robin to love him too go go to the end this Robin of this universe came out winning although I wonder how I take it raven this in the end who knows hopefully there is continuation of this parody
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Anonymous11: love it!!
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Anonymous12: @Anon10: Blue is hope. Raven's emotions are color-codes in the same way Green Lanterns are. White is the combination of all, in balance, e.g. Kyle Rayner.

Raven did have a thing for him, so much so she accidentally projected her feelings into his mind, and he had wet dreams about her. Later, Starfire had her make him think they were in love as a joke.

Actually, Dick being a victim of creepy sex things is pretty standard fare. He was raped twice in the old timeline and once in the new timeline, plus twice in the Bruce Timm universe. Arguably he can't grant consent now, since Ric has the mind of a child. Toss in a LOT of sexual harassment from the ladies, going back to the Silver Age, and suddenly all the talk about how he sleeps around is really gross.
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Anonymous13: I cummed on this video.
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Anonymous14: Holy shit, the animation is actually better than the cartoon itself was!
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janusmaxwell: I really want there to be an alternate/follow-up/variation where rather than a moneyshot and a black background, we get to see Robin blowing his load in Raven...Imma ask the guys about that now, s'cuse me.
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Anonymous15: was great until the cumshot, like seriously a black background with cum? Total boner killer
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Anonymous16: @Anonymous: fag
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Anonymous17: This is not the greatest piece of rule34 in the world.

This is just a tribute.

Seriously though, great work.
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Anonymous18: I hope we get to see the sequel.
And I hope to we get to see Robin impregnate both Starfire and Raven.
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Anonymous19: Why does everyone keep saying it was a moneyshot? There was no money shot, robin creampied her you can tell from the sound and from the satisfaction on ravens face that she got robins hot jizz inside her
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Anonymous20: 1. no anal

2. not interested

3. do anal next time

4. bye

5. sigh
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Anonymous21: I like / Me gusto
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Anonymous22: @Anonymous20 well i prefer vaginal over anal, so if you don't like it, go somewhere else :)
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Anonymous23: I hope for sequel with Robin doing Starfire.

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