Anonymous1: i just love how their young bodies are dripping with sweat and filth, barenaked on the ground in the dessert. I can practically almost smell how they must stink after so much vigourous exercise in the hot dessert sun. i can practically taste the big nasty rancid oh so smelly, obscenely loud, really long, very stinky extremely musky poots coming so forcefully out of his stinky, sweaty, sticky dirty tight little perfect baby boy bubblebutt as cody squirts his sploogies deep inside pennys uterus knocking her up for sure.
Anonymous7: @Anonymous: @Anonymous: @Anonymous: i just love how their young bodies are dripping with sweat and filth, barenaked on the ground in the dessert. I can practically almost smell how they must stink after so much vigourous exercise in the hot dessert sun. i can practically taste the big nasty rancid oh so smelly, obscenely loud, really long, very stinky extremely musky poots coming so forcefully out of his stinky, sweaty, sticky dirty tight little perfect baby boy bubblebutt as cody squirts his white sticky gooey slimy goopy hot thick viscous snotlike shotasploogies deep inside pennys uterus knocking her up for sure.
Good written anon1 ^^