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Anonymous1: @Anonymous: Glad to see the triumphant return of this old classic, even if I'm the only invested spectator.

Rant and rave into the void, you magnificent bastard. Feed the mind goblins until they are all that remain of you.
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Anonymous2: Are you guys ok? One comes on here and bitches about whatever Gwen pic catches his eye and complains about it like he's on some moral pedestal while continuously coming to this porn site. Ignoring that if it was an actual issue to him, he'd complain about any and every image and not just a Gwen and/or Raven one. The other just replies angrily that the other should just shut up and go away.

I mean, can you guys just form an discord and bitch to each other? Leave the rest of us out it. We're just here for the porn.
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Anonymous3: @Anonymous: I'm afraid it's not that simple friend you see sure we could ignore Ivan but that won't make him go away and he's not going to stop anytime soon either so if you got some kind of ideas is to how to get rid of this problem then by all means tell us ?
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Anonymous4(2): @Anonymous: I'm sorry. What do you mean by "not allow"? Seriously? Do you actually think anything you say or do here matters?
Are you calling the internet police? Pretty sure they more about stopping the real thing vs fictional characters. Especially a picture that has teens in it and not children.

Like you could stop anything. Plus if you actually wanted different tags for characters, pissing off everyone the comments of every pic you comment on definitely won't help.
Especially now that you admit you obsession is just because you don't like 2 fictional characters together. Are you some obsessed fanfic writer or something? G3tbover it.

I will say that you at least got me laughing my ass off. "Not allow". Now that's funny.
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Anonymous5(2): @Anonymous: What I honestly think is that unless you are playing the long game as a troll, you have some obsessive compulsive issues.
To be clear, I'm not joking or being sarcastic at all. If you care this much about a fictional character from a cartoon that came out 16 years ago, your priorities are not in the right order. This is a porn site. I don't think the people who visit care about what is right or not. The fact that literally nothing you ever do will make any difference at all just makes it worse.
I truly hope this is all just you being a troll, because otherwise this is just sad.

It seems like you have some kind of issue or trauma and this is some outlet for you. You either need to get help or decide that worrying about what random strangers think on porn websites on the internet is not healthy. And even if your response is "you the one who needs help for looking at this", that doesn't change the fact you need help as well.
But I can see why you wouldn't. The moment you tell anyone either to get help or to tell on everyone here like you've said on other posts, all they'll ask is why you were on a porn site to begin with.
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Anonymous6(1): I'm going to screenshot this and frame it on my wall.

@Anonymous: And you. I demand a link to said DeviantArt and YouTube, stat. Tis a moral imperative to share such lulz when fortune has blessed you with their source.
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Anonymous7: @Anonymous: Oh yeah his redmoa rants are gold. Like they make even like less sense then his comments on here. I actually feel bad for the people who respond to him they have no idea how truly sick in the head he is.
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Anonymous8: uh oh i think someone is about to be expelled from school
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Anonymous9(2): For a while I thought his issue was that she was young. Apparently, not only is that not the issue, but his issue is that the original "form" of the character is being modified and thus is not cannon? And he just can't handle that the majority of the human race doesn't care?
That, and he's somehow going to "show us" but taking porn animations to school? To prove people are "cheating" on the fictional character? If multiple people weren't also here in the comments talking about him, I would've thought I was having a fever dream right now.
Trying to decipher his comments and understand what is being said is the most critical thinking I've done since college.
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Anonymous10: @Anonymous: It's extremely simple. He wants more porn of Gwen (and other lolis), so he pretends to be outraged by it.

He knows this will drive a lot of people with too much time on their hands to "troll" him by drawing more porn of said lolis for free, because a lot of people on the Internet think contrarianism and trolling are cool, which just makes them stupidly easy to manipulate.

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