Anonymous7: @Anonymous: Incog in particular has been targeted a lot by moral-gatekeeper trolls and the result has been a need to keep a complete and total content separation between patreon, where his 'safer' comics have been, and his personal site/SubscribeStar, where more fringe content goes. No one on either platform is allowed to so much as reference the other, including the content posted there. Bawdy Falls (along with a couple of others) had to be nuked from patreon because they suddenly decided to enforce rules about incest, likely due to reports by aforementioned moral-outrage-trolls, so they're on his personal site now, but the 'safer' content like his Teen Titans comics are still on patreon so he has something to monetize. He considers patreon the more stable and viable platform compared to SubscribeStar, which is.....debatable, but probably fair for now, so that's what gets priority, so Bawdy Falls unfortunately loses out in the exchange. But at least it's archived now.
Anonymous10(1): @Anonymous7, that separation no longer exists as Bawdy Falls and other "nuked" content have been added to his adorabilities website where Sultry Summer and Chain Reaction exist.
Anonymous12(11): @Anonymous: hear hear! Seems like Incog always receives the short end of the stick. I've been here long enough that I still remmeber Incog getting Nuked here on Paheal way back in 2015
Anonymous13(7): @Anonymous: The separation still exists, BF and co just moved to the opposite side of the rift. Patreon's side still has Teen Titans stuff. Seems like little else survived though. Who knows how much longer that's sustainable if content people are paying for keeps getting iced.
@Anonymous: Fanbox technically has the same rules, just a lack of active enforcement. If some idiot reports him the same thing will probably happen.
Anonymous14: @Anonymous:
Not trolls reporting him so much as organized and political Xtian zealots going after porn sites by targeting the purse strings.
"Mastercard's decision was lobbied for by Conservative groups such as National Center on Sexual Exploitation (NCOSE), formerly known as Morality in Media.... They have been targeting payment processors and credit card companies that work alongside pornographic sites, under the guise of abolishing sex trafficking and exploitation."
Anonymous15(4): Morality In Media is probably less palatable to the Lobbyist/Congressmen then the National Center on what ever. one sounds like a nice stable legal govt dept, the other like a extreme group bent on telling people what they can and cant consume in the media. we all remember the Moral Majority trying to save us from rock music in the 80s with parental warning labels that just made us want to buy it more.wonder what would have happened if the MM went after the money instead.
they are ALL siblings in that one, only 2 of these are related.
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@Anonymous: Fanbox technically has the same rules, just a lack of active enforcement. If some idiot reports him the same thing will probably happen.
Not trolls reporting him so much as organized and political Xtian zealots going after porn sites by targeting the purse strings.
"Mastercard's decision was lobbied for by Conservative groups such as National Center on Sexual Exploitation (NCOSE), formerly known as Morality in Media.... They have been targeting payment processors and credit card companies that work alongside pornographic sites, under the guise of abolishing sex trafficking and exploitation."
download all your shit before his tag gets nuked again
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At least are they taking commissions yet, because I really would like to see Candy,Grenda and maybe a Tambry in his style.