Anonymous3: @Anonymous: Dude, it's because this is getting more annoying and hypothetical. you know that gwen is kid gwen and raven is a young adult/adolescent of 16-18 years old and both are exactly the same size age, it's already boring. I saw that some fans are wanting the teenage gwen version for some art and she needs someone to do something for them to bring her in 3D model. (which I am), she was fabulous since alien force more than anything in the world ................ they had a lot of affection for her regardless of her appearance, while her original version she had action with her cousin together... which reminds me a lot of jade from jackie chan adventures (the 11-year-old girl who also had action and dangerous things, and I've been fond of her too). that's why teen gwen from alien force needs another chance and i feel like i'm already drawing her with raven. and editing her face to make her look more beautiful and sexy. Which I am already learning. first I have to draw on paper and then I will learn blender 3d (the course that I have already registered.... and they told me that although the challenge is over I will still continue with the website the videos that I have yet to see).
Anonymous5: why is it that so many pictures with gwen draws in so manny spergs?
its either this lunatic complaining about gwen x raven incoherently or its someone having a unprompted meltdown about race, either white people needs to be cucked with small dicks or that those filthy blacks should be keept away from her. ooor, its the third spergs having the former meltdown specificly attatched to ben saying he should never be involved as anything other than a humuliated cuck target
... like jesus people, just dont click on the fucking pic you know you wont enjoy and fap in peace wtf
Anonymous6: @Anonymous: I think I can explain why people are always complaining it's because this one guy named Ivan Carranza keeps on complaining about Raven beans together with Gwen 10 he doesn't like that and so he keeps on complaining and everyone else is sick and tired of hearing him complain about the same thing over and over again and that's why there's all this drama on this website well at least when it comes to Gwen and Raven
Anonymous7: @Anonymous:
It's not just on this website. He posts his rants on other communities and got banned for not just his poor commenting ettiquette, but also for creating new accounts to get around the ban.
- Reply
its either this lunatic complaining about gwen x raven incoherently or its someone having a unprompted meltdown about race, either white people needs to be cucked with small dicks or that those filthy blacks should be keept away from her. ooor, its the third spergs having the former meltdown specificly attatched to ben saying he should never be involved as anything other than a humuliated cuck target
... like jesus people, just dont click on the fucking pic you know you wont enjoy and fap in peace wtf
It's not just on this website. He posts his rants on other communities and got banned for not just his poor commenting ettiquette, but also for creating new accounts to get around the ban.
It's all he seems to do.