Anonymous2: @Anonymous1: Why? Are you serious? You've gotta be pretty fucking stupid to come on this website and then go "Why". What the fuck were you expecting? You must be slow in the head or something
Anonymous9: does anyone else thing the fireafy arc was kinda forced? i mean like the friendship they randomly had came out of no where but personaily it was pretty intresting, what bothers me is why firey just built a rollor coaster with a lavafall and get mad at leafy for getting brutally murdered by it.
Anonymous10(4): @moonilade: I'm Try Ignore What a These Down Comment, I Don't Care These a Comment, Literally, I'm Like a Moonilade, But I Still Love Every Rule 34, Also I Love Booty and Boobs and Penis, That Delicious is Looks, How Good This Looks, I'm Try Look The Gallery, I'm Stand The Gallery How This Looks Like, Just as Literally, I Like This
Anonymous11(4): @moonilade: I Did Search Rule 34, I'm Getting Ready Search on Bfdi, Every Single Day, Everyone Doesn't Look Like Awful Gallery, Nah It's Good, Kinda Good Porn, It's Feel Good, Why Everyone is Get Mad, I Don't Get It, I Didn't Mad, No, I Really Don't Care Comment
Anonymous24(22): @Anonymous19: why he's right, you can't enter a porn site and saying why to porn, like buying (milk) cheese but being allergic to lactose and asking your brother "why did i buy this"
Anonymous31(29): attractive and successful African attractive and successful African attractive and successful African attractive and successful African nickher I hope black slaves get beat with whips
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