Anonymous2: “trap stars”
omg yes i LOVE language that demonizes the femboy community and even trans women to an extent and perpetuates harmful stereotypes about both marginalized groups!!! 😍
Anonymous3(2): @Anonymous: also, why isn’t this catergorized under rule 63?
janet is female, this depicts a MALE janet.
that’s the very definition of rule 63.
Anonymous6(5): @Anonymous: one person has hypothetically roped themselves, one singular solitary person with a single opinion, with this one single person gone, the whole world is saved. yay. lmaoooooo
omg yes i LOVE language that demonizes the femboy community and even trans women to an extent and perpetuates harmful stereotypes about both marginalized groups!!! 😍
janet is female, this depicts a MALE janet.
that’s the very definition of rule 63.