Too easy. I worry if there's a higher purpose behind both movies, acting as double whammy demoralizers and encouragers of human self-destruction. Eh well, [i]shits gotta happen, mon.[/i
ConsciousDonkey: @Anonymous: Science nerds have never been much of a fapping/shlicking material. It doesn't help when they kicked the bucket over 50 years ago, either.
bonerific: @Anonymous: I'm not mentally ill. I just know how women are & I'm simply telling it like it is. They have no individuality. They simply follow the current trends, therefore they are NPCs with vaginas. Don't be mad because I called a spade a spade.
Anonymous24(22): @bonerific: Jesus -_-... Again, calling a spade a spade (lol), you are mentally ill for that belief. I feel my brain melting by interacting with your insecurities.
Anonymous28: @bonerific Hypermegavirgin and told by a woman who could draw things like that for a mere joke and not expecting someone to take it so seriously, it relaxes a little incel sense.
bonerific: LOL This thread is full of cope. If women weren't sex objects, God wouldn't have given them pussies. They are sex objects & property, otherwise you wouldn't be fapping to cartoons of them on a porn site. The mental gymnastics & virtue signalling you white knights & simps will go through just to justify your cope is truly hilarious lmao. Allow me to remind you what your ancestors said in regards to women: "Women were made for only 2 purposes: reproduction & motherhood." In other words, they are sex objects.
bonerific: @Sharkjumper: Oh I like women, but alot of them are terrible, & you are fool in you think you can even trust them. Bitches talk & they can't keep secret.
Anonymous33(1): @bonerific: There is logic in what you say. When it comes to children, God gave Fathers the shield and Mothers the sword to protect them.
GrandMaster: I have now seen both movies and I can say with confidence that sometimes, subtext is for cowards. Also, bonerific is a dreadnaught class donkey fucker.
Anonymous36: @bonerific: According to your own logic, you are a sex object as well. Also, if what our "ancestors" say and do is correct, then I guess the world is flat, multiple deities exist and throwing feces at other people/animal and this should be socially acceptable. But somehow none of the above is true. It's almost like your parody of an argument doesn't make sense. Here's a bit of truth for you:
You are only good as a potential earner of Darwin's award. Otherwise, you're simply a worthless excuse of a human being.
Anonymous38(7): Also, I know Bonerific In real life, he got expelled from community college because he either:
A: Didn’t show up at all
B: Constantly harassed teachers about his terrible grades.
Anonymous42(2): @Anonymous: sure - one has a major Hollywood movie just made about them and co-created one of the most dangerous weapons in recorded history and the other... some loser who never left his basement and whose only claim to fame is one claimed by a couple dozen other guys of equal talent and equally dubious cleanliness. Comparing the two shows just how stupid you are.
Anonymous44(43): @Anonymous: Complete BS.@PartyCrasher: No he ain’t stfu and women make themselves look like sex objects.@Anonymous: Nope. Fathers the sword and mothers the shield.
Anonymous45(1): @Anonymous: No fathers are the shield for their children and mothers the sword. Fathers will die to protect their families, mothers will kill to protect them. It is how God intended things.
Anonymous47(30): @bonerific:
>muh ancestors
Your ancestors would abandon you if they found out about your porn addiction lol. Who are trying to fool, playing superior on a porn site lmao.
Anonymous48: @Anonymous: Because he was a fucking kike. Like Einstein.
Again, who the fuck cares about this kike guy? Kevin Mitnick, the father of all the modern hackers is gone.
Anonymous50(2): @IffrytusMasakado: There is something almost comedic about there not being any porn of a person who got blacklisted for years because of porn. Him watching it in public, not him making it.
Anonymous51: I haven't seen either yet. I love the aesthetic people come up with for barbenheimer but it's probably deeply tragic to make a serious movie about nuclear weapons and have it overshadowed by this, as well as direspectfull to the victims. It would probably undercut the message of misogyny in Barbie too, because that movie is about one person finding happiness and Oppenheimer is explicitly about the death of many so by comparison it's just gonna make Barbies message about misogyny look like a stupid shallow non issue.
I'm probably gonna snatch up some tshirts about thi sthat don't show either directly because some of this shit slaps.
Fun fact: Not understanding that other people have their own thoughts and feelings that are different from yours is actually a sign of autism. Strangely enough that never comes up in the npc meme, which just so happened to originate on 4chan and we all know 4chan isn't autistic at all......
Anonymous57(48): @Anonymous: Better than giving a fucking damn about a kike who made a mass death weapon and got away with it. At least Kevin at his prime was hated by the powers, which gives legitimacy to what he was doing. At very least he pissed them and trolled their pompous ass, reason why they hailed him.
Anonymous60: barbie movie is dogshit and any beta twitter simp cuck fucker who says any different deserves to be hanged and martyred for the country to see
Anonymous61: love y'all even if you're hateful and delusional similar to me. I won't be coming back to this page. world deserves better than nazi fuckery and the barbie movie was good stay mad
Gallows187: it's weird that one of the biggest fear of men are women with teeth in their vaginas, and then they stick their dick in a hole they KNOW is full of teeth. digestion begins at about 3 seconds.
bonerific: @Farfegnugen: Didn't the Jew who played Pee Wee get arrested for masturbating in a theater? If recall, the reason his show got cancelled was because he was arrested for possession of child pr0n. And of course because Hollywood is run by ped0 Jews he got a slap on the wrist & was able to walk free prior to the Pee Wee movie debut. It figures those kikes would protect one of their own.
bonerific: @Anonymous: My ancestors were ranchers & farmers who came from a family of kings & queens. I have royal blood in my veins unlike you Amerimutt
bonerific: @Anonymous: Yeah the guy who played Pee Wee was a Jew. He masturbated in a adult theater & was arrested for indecent exposure. What Jewikipedia fails to mention is that he was also arrested for possession of child pr0n too. Yet somehow he was able to walk free & make the Pee Wee's Big Adventure movie. That's the reason why you see no children in the Pee Wee movie. The TV series got canned after his arrest because he had to work with real child actors. Pee Wee the character is beloved by many. In truth Pee Wee represents a man-child (which is kind of pathetic, but it's ok since he's a fictional character), but the Jew who played his character was an absolute degenerate.
Anonymous84(2): This is why the shit stain that calls itself @bonerific always has and will always be the laughing stock of Rule34: They really are this stupid!
First of all they are the decendents of cattle thieves, pig fuckers, and sheep fuckers. The only "royalty" that's ever been in bonerific's ancestry was the royal jizz that was sometimes shot into their mouths and butts when some duke or earl got drunk enough and horny enough to pay one of them for a blowjob, and that was just the guys in bonerific's family tree.
Paul Rubins was arrested in 1991. According to the arrest record nothing involving children was ever found on him. That's just another of bonerific's patetic lies to make a "point". Pee Wee's Big Adventure was made in 1985, six years before. There are dozens of children in both of the Pee Wee movies. So nearly everything bonerific was stupid enough to write is 100% fake. As usual. The only thing sadder then their pathetic lies and fetid brain is the long line of inbred degerates they're decended from.
Anonymous91(30): @Anonymous: When you're dealing with media as seedy as porn, the sight of wignats, genocidal freaks, and other types of the mentally deranged here should not surprise you.
Anonymous95(2): @Sharkjumper: It was. And his arrest was part of a random raid too. No one complained or called the cops on him, they just raided that theater hoping to catch random people being exposing themselves in public so they could arrest them. Simular to how singer George Micheal got outed when cops raided a random reststop gay orgy and netted him too.
Anonymous97: @Anonymous: you know, i really dont get this racial divide between jews and other whites some colorful characters seem to perceive, most jews i've seen could effectively camouflage with the snow this is like an asian telling another asian that they arent actually asian cuz their eyes arent narrow enought, dress weird and follow a "non-asian" religion.
Anonymous98(97): @IffrytusMasakado: Individuality in both men and women is ultimately detrimental to civilization: it first and foremost kills the fucking birth rate, it gives ppl this ridiculous delusion that they will be amongst the very,very,very few who achive something significant enought to be remembered by history as one of the greats, it disrupts social control, promotes civil disobidience and ultimately leads to total chaos.
bonerific: @Anonymous: Typical shitlib, believing everything he reads online like the smooth brain asstard he is. The movie had no child actors. The TV series did. The entire movie was about Pee Wee getting his bike back. Of course (((Jewikipedia))) isn't gonna mention his ped0 behavior because he's was one of (((them))). Israel JIDF & ADL have been caught censoring & flat lying in Jewikipedia, & of course shitlibs believe & worship that shit like a fucking bible because you faggots are science worshipping soy drinking cucks & are worst hypocrites than the bible thumbers you keep complaining about. The Jew who played Pee Wee was obviously a ped0 degenerate. Why do you faggots even try to defend this shit? Don't even try to defend the indefenseless here, not while I'm here.
Azumi: @Anonymous: What's with the typical jew tactic of deploying shit-tier Ad Hominems? "Oh, your ancestry is this, goyem, oh, your mother was a whore, oy, your father was a drunk" and other miriads of uncreative backtalking shit? It seems like self-projecting your own regrets and family lines on a random bastard online that likely doesn't share your burdens.
Retarded kike. Why do you try methods that guarantee no success on any open platform that allows random retards like you and me duke it out (with words) without jew tought police intervention? That's because you can't, you think random bullshit "gossip" is going to get "people" riled up in a site with no comment likes or bullshit moderation to help your goal of societal eradication when most here are already outcasts of it.
Get bent, and remember: Cartoons aren't real people.And neither are jews.
Azumi: @Sharkjumper: An Ad Hominem is not just shit talking to people, but pretending the shit talking is what wins the argument. Say whatever you want about me, but I've never been retarded enough to pretend that just by calling a jew a bunch of slurs my argument is right and they're wrong. I talk shit because I love talking shit simply, and when I want to make a point, I elaborate on my argument.
That other faggot tho, pretended that just by calling that other guy an "inbred pig fucker" and an idiot, his argument was invalid and unworthy of consideration. Pay attention how he never bothered to counter anything the guy said, just went on with a paragraph of kike-style defamation (irony!), and left it like that; in his mind, he "weened". Fuck that lame shit, kek.
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So how was the movie Oppenheimer anyways?
I DEMAND moar Barbie/Oppenheimer porn. I want to see the Mattel plastic doll have sex with the dude from 28 days later.
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>Early life
Too easy. I worry if there's a higher purpose behind both movies, acting as double whammy demoralizers and encouragers of human self-destruction. Eh well, [i]shits gotta happen, mon.[/i
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And I haven't watch Barbie.
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You are only good as a potential earner of Darwin's award. Otherwise, you're simply a worthless excuse of a human being.
A: Didn’t show up at all
B: Constantly harassed teachers about his terrible grades.
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The absolute posers...
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@Anonymous: Stfu@Anonymous: Piss off, He’s awesome.@Danny2: Racism is dead. Stfu.
Everything you people say is wrong.
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difficult to explain or understand; strange or odd
>muh ancestors
Your ancestors would abandon you if they found out about your porn addiction lol. Who are trying to fool, playing superior on a porn site lmao.
Again, who the fuck cares about this kike guy? Kevin Mitnick, the father of all the modern hackers is gone.
I'm probably gonna snatch up some tshirts about thi sthat don't show either directly because some of this shit slaps.
Fun fact: Not understanding that other people have their own thoughts and feelings that are different from yours is actually a sign of autism. Strangely enough that never comes up in the npc meme, which just so happened to originate on 4chan and we all know 4chan isn't autistic at all......
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@bonerific: also wait what??! HOW?!
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First of all they are the decendents of cattle thieves, pig fuckers, and sheep fuckers. The only "royalty" that's ever been in bonerific's ancestry was the royal jizz that was sometimes shot into their mouths and butts when some duke or earl got drunk enough and horny enough to pay one of them for a blowjob, and that was just the guys in bonerific's family tree.
Paul Rubins was arrested in 1991. According to the arrest record nothing involving children was ever found on him. That's just another of bonerific's patetic lies to make a "point". Pee Wee's Big Adventure was made in 1985, six years before. There are dozens of children in both of the Pee Wee movies. So nearly everything bonerific was stupid enough to write is 100% fake. As usual. The only thing sadder then their pathetic lies and fetid brain is the long line of inbred degerates they're decended from.
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Retarded kike. Why do you try methods that guarantee no success on any open platform that allows random retards like you and me duke it out (with words) without jew tought police intervention? That's because you can't, you think random bullshit "gossip" is going to get "people" riled up in a site with no comment likes or bullshit moderation to help your goal of societal eradication when most here are already outcasts of it.
Get bent, and remember: Cartoons aren't real people. And neither are jews.
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That other faggot tho, pretended that just by calling that other guy an "inbred pig fucker" and an idiot, his argument was invalid and unworthy of consideration. Pay attention how he never bothered to counter anything the guy said, just went on with a paragraph of kike-style defamation (irony!), and left it like that; in his mind, he "weened". Fuck that lame shit, kek.