Mother: Though it doesn't excuse the treatment she is getting in this picture, Ashley Williams is a close-minded bigot who is willing to violate military discipline and protocols just to sate her improper lust for her commanding officer.
When it comes to Virmire, choosing between her and that bland but nice Kaiden boy is not a hard decision.
Of course, I'm not fond of that arrogant, cradle-robbing hussy Liara either.
Mother: I'm serious! Liara is around 100 years old, and Shepard is in her/his thirties. Shepard is obviously little more than a curiosity to her -- little more than a favored pet. I imagine it would only be a matter of time before she turned Shepard in for a newer, younger piece of arm candy.
Anonymous15: Mother you are an idiot.
If there is craddle robbing it's Shepard who's doing it.
Liara is barely an adult in Asari standards.
Plus, Asari are more longlived than most species so either you are saying that all of them see their partners as just a curiosity or you are just plain stupid.
If you think the first though, you are probably plain stupid as well.
elflord123: I would choose Ashley over Kaiden any day. She is stronger than him in many ways and she is more intelligent. Kaiden is an idiot and Shepard should have shot him a lot earlier As for what is going on in this picture I do admit I like looking at it, I would shoot Garrus after he had finished violating Ashley so he would not shoot her in her pretty head and then I would allow Ashley to shoot Wrex for forcing her to suck on his cock. And yes I am a huge Ashley fan as well as a Miranda fan. As far as i am concern Shepard whether male or female Shepard should have ended up with the both of them and he or she should have wlked away after destroying the Reapers at the end of the game. Also Shepard should have been able to marry them both in the game and there should have been more dialogue between them on the normandy and at the Citadel.
When it comes to Virmire, choosing between her and that bland but nice Kaiden boy is not a hard decision.
Of course, I'm not fond of that arrogant, cradle-robbing hussy Liara either.
Garrus:...can it wait for a bit? I'm in the middle of some fornications.
If there is craddle robbing it's Shepard who's doing it.
Liara is barely an adult in Asari standards.
Plus, Asari are more longlived than most species so either you are saying that all of them see their partners as just a curiosity or you are just plain stupid.
If you think the first though, you are probably plain stupid as well.
Fucking, ignorant bitch!!!
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I'm actually surprised Wrex doesn't have a second dick, though. Redundancy and all.
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