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Anonymous1: Too funny!!!
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PostHappy28: It's funny because that's Mileena getting whacked in the Cooch. =)
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MrAnon: X-ray attacks.

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Anonymous2: I'm surrounded by 12 year olds

Motivationals stopped being funny years ago
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Anonymous3: you. the world wont stop laughing at a joke because you deem it not funny.
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Selene: LOL
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Anonymous4: And it's not a Motivational.
It's a Demotivational.
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ChaosWolf: The vag is an edit, for those unaware.

There's something laughable ironic when a game is unafraid and even almost gleeful in its graphic depiction of peoples' skeletons and viceral organs being brutalized and mutilated, yet the same game seems ridiculously squeamish about the player even glimpsing the victim's gender-related anatomical features during said violence...

Apparently "anatomically correct" only counts if it's internal (for varying definitions and durations of "internal", mind you).

gratuitous explicit violence = good
reproductive organs that everybody has = bad

Such is the odd, almost hypocritical society we live in. Common body parts are censored, but horrible acts of violence...not so much. Maybe one day we're all going to look down at our laps, and see a black bar covering ourselves...
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Anonymous5: ChaosWolf does not simply comment, he explains
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Anonymous6: how a wise, aroused man once said
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Anonymous7: You just edited from MS paint or Gimp.
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Anonymous8: Jade & Sindel vs. Jade & Sheeva.
Where's scorpion? Dude,grow up and get a second life.
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Anonymous9: Same ol' "hypocritical country" bullshit. We get it already. Stop beating a dead horse and move to Europe.
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MrAnon: But can you crush cars and say "I'M AMERICAN AND FUCK YOU!" In other countries? Perticuarly in that order?

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Anonymous10: Anon 9 Its Jade & Sindel Vs Mileena & Sheeva? I Mean The Flesh Pits Costume Is Being Worn Be The X Ray Reciever.
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Anonymous11: I think the reason that they don't show dicks and vags during an x-ray is because, you know, they don't have bones in them and wouldn't show up in an x-ray. The x-ray move isn't taking their clothes off, it's revealing crippling internal damage. Showing nudity would make no sense unless they showed the internal organs bits of the junk, and that'd just be pretty gross tbh
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Anonymous12: The reason they won't show actual nudity is because the game already dresses the females so scantily that even a peek of nudity would force it to be labelled as a pornographic fighting game, greatly reducing the number of people who'd buy it.
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Anonymous13: "Scorpion isn't the only Kombatant that can split open the gates to the 'Netherrealm'"

Yeah Quan Chi can do it as well.
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ChaosWolf: Anon13 greatly underestimates how many folks would buy a fighting game with pornographic nudity.
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Anonymous14: Anon12, while the dicks and vags don't have bones, it doesn't mean there aren't still internals to consider. Haven't you been through that class in health yet?
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datass: I dun't geddit....
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Anonymous15: The people posting long, detailed comments on this kinda need to get lives... Seriously, it's a joke. And, as with most jokes, it won't appeal to everyone. Get over it.
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Anonymous16: Anon16 - More like "get over here"
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PyroWolf: Opening the gates to the netherrealm...

I must find out how to do this...
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Anonymous17: Steve does it all the time.
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Anonymous18: @PostHappy28: You don't get the joke
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Anonymous19: I'd tap that x ray
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Anonymous20: I bet scorpion split jades gates 😏
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Anonymous21: Shokan
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Anonymous22(21): Jade

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