shezari: If I were you, I would work on making the art not look like it was drawn by an eight year old with a lazy eye before I even thought about doing any porn.
Anonymous5(1): @BJay653: and btw, color theory is not an artist thing. It's a field of psychological study relating to visual/emotional relationships. Read a fuckin' book.
Farfegnugen: Does anyone miss me ripping into people for just uploading the doodles they made during their school lunch hour? Someone is using those five colors in the Crayon box. At least we know this was drawn because I would have to remove this as "Bad AI". I bet you can't wait for them to whip out the watercolor paints next week and turn your grade school rubbish into fine art. How can they talk so much about color theory and references if they can't even get fundamental anonymity right?
Welcome to the site. Glad our shitty comments only make you stronger. Be a stronger artist and don't talk shit about knowing artist techniques when you submit stuff like this.
Farfegnugen: @TheDR: Yeah, I've seen lots of "genuine effort to contribute" on this site and the same kind of attitude from artist and their "white knights". I won't submit it to a website for people to judge, even more so on this site because we are going eat him alive. I would have kept it to myself and improved from there. Maybe take an actual art class than what the fifth grade has to offer. If they were looking for criticism, I got a warehouse in the back.
Farfegnugen: @BJay653: You have the right to eat shit for dinner but that doesn't mean we all should. Be my guest, but don't be surprised if you get the same response from people the next time. Just keep the whole holier-than-thou garbage to yourself because you are nowhere as good as you think you are.
Anonymous6: @BJay653: This incapable fuckwit is really arguing with the internet's netizens About why his shitty art is ok to post. Lolololololololo fucking trash
BJay653: @bomg: Not even close. AI art looks like stolen, regurgitated shit with poor lighting, fused or additional digits, and uncanny valley like facial features. Everyone knows this and nobody appreciates it, especially artists like yours truly -.-
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No, no you don't.
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Welcome to the site. Glad our shitty comments only make you stronger. Be a stronger artist and don't talk shit about knowing artist techniques when you submit stuff like this.
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