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Uploaderwarrior, avatar
TagsBlackfire, DC, DCAU, PalComix, Raven, Starfire, Teen_Titans, Terra, bbmbbf
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Info1024x734 // 247KB // jpg
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Anonymous1: pedotiger
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BigDawg: Hey little girls, wanna see my tiger?? You can pet it if you want to.
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Anonymous2: Tiger should be green.
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Anonymous3: Tiger flips out in three... Two...
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Anonymous4: tiger needs to be half robot and green witha mask on!
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Anonymous5: no, tiger needs to be me!
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Anonymous6: i guess it's "Naked Cuddle a Tiger" day?
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Zaine: HaHs look at terra. Shes obviously thining "wait... im naked infront of a man eating killing machine... something is not good..."
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Anonymous7: Fortunately for Terra they're not men.
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superace: Tiger's thinking, "I got to sleep for 10 minutes and naked kids surround me and start to play on me like a toy. Is it me? Is it?"
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Anonymous8: depressed tiger is depressed
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Anonymous34Poster: What we didn't know, was that the tiger was actually gay.

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Nz: Anon2 - Tiger should only be green if it's actually Beast Boy. Or it could be a real tiger. (in which case, less safe...)
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Anonymous9: Damn if I was that I tiger I wouldnt be able to lie down like that Oo
Thats the luckiest tiger alive.
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Anonymous10: I'm having a mai-chan's daily life flashback...
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Anonymous11: I'd totally blindside Starfire. If they're not asking for it, I'm not sure WHAT they're doing.
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AlanZatkow: Tiger is thinking - "Why do I smell fish?"
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aitloml: tiger be lucky
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Anonymous12: "I was just laying here, minding my own business..."
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Anonymous13: WTF, why'd the artist turn all of those girls into Lolis?!

... Granted, I'm not turned off that much, but it'd be hotter if they actually had boobies rather than DFC.
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Anonymous14: PUSSY EVERYWHERE!!!!!!!!!!!
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Anonymous15: guys theres a tiger in the bathroom!

...had to do the reference
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Anonymous16: anon 15 you cannot ref hangover it sucked to much and inanycase isnt old nuff
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Anonymous17: sooooo cute...wait...soooo wrong...wait....i'm confused
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Anonymous18(17): so wrong...wait......i'm confused
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Anonymous19: Tiger (Strange I smell pussy) awful pun intended
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Anonymous20: anon 16 is a dick, hangover was an epic movie and anon 19 yes that pun was awful
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Anonymous21: Terra thinking "How big is this tiger"
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Anonymous22: Tiger: '*Sigh*...I'm the ONE tiger who has a soft spot for lolis, and no matter how I try, SOMEHOW these girls keep finding me...I'll never live this down...'
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Anonymous23: SiberianWhiteTiger: Now I know what, BirdPussy smells like.
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BrothersbleckDA: I think that tiger must be their surrogate mother.
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ColdFusion: is that White Blaze?
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BrothersbleckDA: could be, unless it's an adopted mother for them.
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Anonymous24: If I were that tiger... I would breastfeed the girls with my penis. (For hours, their bellies would be so full that they would look like 9 month pregnant lolis)
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Anonymous25(24): @Anonymous: And then I will fuck them for hours so their pussies are as full as their stomachs.

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